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Copying in the examination is bad | Essay on Copying In The Examination

Essay on Copying In The Examination

501 words essay on A Scene in the Examination Hall (Free to read). Everybody is afraid of the examina­tions. But it is rightly said that they are a necessary evil. They are necessary because perhaps there is no other way of testing one’s ability. They are an evil because they cause a lot of discomfort and tension to the exam­inee. 

In any case, there is no escape from the examinations, at least in the present set up. The society is becoming more and. more competitive day by day. So, for the sake of excellence, the students have to work hard and long to show excellent results. I remem­ber how I had to bum the midnight oil for months together prior to the last examina­tion which I passed. Strangely enough, the efficacy of labor of months is tested just in three hours.

Last year when I went to the examination hall for the first day to take my examination in English, I was very nervous. My nervous­ness was further enhanced because I reached the hall a bit late when all other candidates were already in and had occupied their seats. It was because I am a bit over-medico- louse in every matter. As I entered the hall, the first bell had already gone. The answer sheets were being distributed. I occupied my seat. I was per­haps the last student to be given the answer.

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Copying in the examination is bad

Their shrewd brain can be admired in the new methods they devise. Sometimes, copying is organized on a mass scale. As soon as the students receive the question paper, they note down the questions on a piece of paper and throw it out of the window. 

Their friends who are outside, write down the answers and try to smuggle them back to the students. They bribe the peon and the sweeper who bring these slips for them. They also go to the bathroom and collect the material from there. When they are caught, at first, they try to beg with an apology. If this method fails, then they try to threaten the invigilator. Some states have passed very strict laws to punish such students. 

This habit should stop otherwise it would bring about a total collapse of the education system. Students should well understand and keep in mind that copying serves no purpose, as said, “There is no short cut to success” and “Hard work is the only key to success.”

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