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Debate & Speech Writing Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Samples


Debate & Speech Writing Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Samples

Question 1:
You are Rajendra Kumar, a social worker. You read an article in The Hindu on ‘Health Care for Indian Workers’. Write a speech in 125-150 words on the importance of health care to be delivered at a public function to create awareness among the workers.

Health Care for Indian Workers

Respected Chairperson and my dear friends!
It is really a matter of grave concern for all of us that we hardly take care of the health of workers. We always see them working in inhuman conditions, neglecting their health. But they work even in such conditions only to fulfil their basic needs. They just do it at the cost of their health. The authorities concerned must ensure clean and healthy working conditions for these people. Govt, must take initiatives to provide health care services to these workers and their families. They must be made aware of the importance of cleanliness and hygiene. These workers really play a big role in our society. The Indian workers must be provided basic health facilities. It must be our duty to make their lives as healthy as ours.
Thank you

Question 2:
Media has a strong hold on society. Write a speech in 125-150 words on how media influences public opinion to be delivered in the school assembly.

Media’s influence on Public Opinion

Respected Chairperson and my dear friends!
Today I would like to present my views before the august body regarding the role of media. Media is the most powerful weapon of democracy. It influences our life in many ways. It makes us aware with the latest developments of the country as well as the world. It works at 24 x 7 basis. It also helps us in making public opinion. The influence of media is increasing day-by-day in the society. It is also the responsibility of media to provide authentic information to the public, ft must be the aim of the media to make people aware with the pros and cons of any issue. Then only people can form their opinion and draw an inference on that issue. It is the responsibility of media to ensure that they direct their efforts towards building a constructive and balanced society.
Thank you

Question 3:
You are chosen for representing your school at the regional level inter-school debate contest. Prepare a debate for the same on the topic given below:
‘Newspapers ought to contain more news and fewer advertisements’.

Newspapers Ought to Contain More News
and Fewer Advertisements
(by Prachi)

Respected Chairperson, August faculty and dear friends,
It is painful to see that journalists have lost all ethics and professionalism today. Like all other professionals, the pressmen are also attracted by the lure of the lucrae. They adopt diverse techniques to increase the revenue of their paper. They try to sensationalise the news to win more readers. However, even the newspaper having the largest circulation is not self-dependent. It must have plenty of commercial advertisements to meet its running costs. In fact, it is these ads which provide the owners the requisite funds. Thus, advertisements cannot be ruled out. They are a necessary evil and must stay.
The owners and editors of the newspapers must also realise their responsibility to the nation. The press is the strongest pillar of democracy. It creates sensible public opinion in favour of good policies and criticises the wrong policies. The newspapers must maintain a balance between news and advertisements. A common man buys a newspaper for news. It would be better that the editors publish a classified advertisement supplement twice or thrice a week and save the general reader from the proliferation of advertisements while scanning the pages for views and news.

Question 4:
‘Our Good Earth’ an environmental awareness magazine has launched a marathon ‘Clean Your City’ campaign. As an active participant write a speech to be read out in the morning assembly urging students to participate in the campaign.

‘Clean Your City’ Campaign’
(by Smriti)

Respected teachers and dear friends
‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’ is an old adage. It is perhaps most relevant nowadays when environmental pollution is increasing day by day. Prevention is better than cure. Dirt and disease thrive together. Insanitary conditions of the streets not only give the city a filthy and ugly look, they also breed many harmful disease causing bacteria. Our first effort, therefore, is to keep our surroundings clean. People should separate their household solid waste in two parts—biodegradable and non-biodegradable, instead of heaping them together. Proper steps should be taken for garbage disposal. Incinerators should be installed at proper places. The use of biogas and other eco-friendly materials can help to keep the kitchen clean. The ‘clean your city1 campaign launched by the magazine ‘Our Good Earth’ aims at making us conscious of cleanliness of our surroundings. We can keep our environment clean by minimising the harmfiil gases spewn by the automobiles by sharing the vehicles. The replacement of diesel driven buses by CNG buses will help to reduce the suspended particulate matter in the air. The citizens must become cleanliness conscious.

Question 5:
You are a student volunteer of National Literacy Mission (NLM) wing of your school involved in the Adult Literacy Campaign ‘Each One: Teach One’. Write out the introductory talk you plan to give at each place you visit. (Word limit: 200 words)

Each One Teach One

Dear friends
We have all collected here to work together to realise the dream of the National . Literacy Mission. We would like to see an India where each person is literate. Our learners are not students or children like us but adults. They are people with a rich experience of life and have an active role in society. We would like to build upon that experience, wisdom and maturity. The learning strategies that we will adopt in our programme will be exploratory and interactive. We seek your commitment and involvement.
Some of our objectives are to bring about at least a basic learning of reading, writing and counting. We wish to promote better health awareness and care to be taken. We would like to create an awareness about the democratic processes, rights, duties and obligations. We especially would like to focus on the status of women, the girl child and how they can fight against exploitation and injustice and thus build their own self confidence and respect. We wish to focus on social issues and create awareness about environmental problems, population control and self-employment. As a volunteer of National Literacy Mission, I pledge myself towards achieving our goals.

Question 6:
You have been asked to make a speech on noise pollution in big cities. Write an article on ‘Noise Pollution’ in not more than 200 words.

Noise Pollution

It appears that the giant strides of progress of man include a rising crescendo of noise. The natural sounds of twittering and chirping of birds is lost in the din of loud city sounds. Everywhere you turn, you hear a volume of sound.
At home, one can hear the blaring of stereos and television. Even if you prefer a quiet evening of solitude, your peace will be shattered by the ear-splitting music from next door. But on the streets, it is worse. At a busy cross-road all one can hear is the honking of horns, screeching of brakes and squealing tyres. If you take a late morning walk, you are sure to come across construction going on and the grating sound of machinery. There could be processions, slogan shouting, yatras, etc. To get some peace, enter a restaurant and you find the latest numbers blaring out. Take a taxi and the driver will in all probability switch on his favourite loud music. Stations of all kinds—bus and railways are the hub of noise of all kinds, right from the hawker to the potter to the conductor, each one tries to compete with the other in shouting over the din.
You expect night to be a time of peace but even then you can hear all night ‘jagratas’ or marriages with a lot of loud music or the party next door which goes on and on. Noise is something that doesn’t end and silence, they say is golden. It surely is becoming as rare as gold.

Question 7:
Meenu has to speak in a debate supporting the motion that, ‘Teaching Profession is Better than Medical Profession’. Write out her speech in not more than 200 words.

Teaching Profession is Better than the Medical Profession
(by Meenu – in favour of the motion)

Respected teachers and dear friends
I stand before you to support the motion that, teaching profession is better than medical profession.
You can be the candle that spreads its fight and you can fight up millions of tiny lamps as you pass through fife as a teacher.’ Teaching has always been and continues to be a noble profession. Commercialisation has touched it but not seeped right through it. The medical profession has been transformed today. Doctors take the oath but a large number seem to transform their conscience into a commercial money spinning machine. Doctors’ shops have mushroomed at every nook and comer in our cities. Teaching involves interactive sharing process which can transform the fives and outlook of an individual. The destiny and character of many a leading personality has been shaped in the classrooms. The future of the nation and the future of entire mankind is based on the values imbibed in the early impressionable years of life.
If illiteracy is removed from our country a major problem for us will get solved. Even today an ordinary teacher has basic values and lives a simple life. Doctors on the other hand run after the luxuries of life. All in all it can easily be said that teaching profession is better than the medical profession.


  1. Write an article is not more than 200 words on ‘A Healthy Mind Lives in a Healthy Body’ Input:
    • Health is Wealth
    • Good Company
    • Regular Exercise
    • Saving on medicines reduced
    • Holy thoughts
    • Intelligence
  2. Write a short speech on ‘Pollution’ in a maximum of 200 words to be given at assembly time in your school.
  3. You are living in a place of scenic beauty, green, natural and refreshing. Write an article on ‘The Joys of Living in the Lap of Nature’ for the Nature Column of a newspaper.
  4. During his visit to the hilly areas of Himachal Pradesh, Harish was moved at the large scale deforestation. He felt perturbed at the arbitrary felling of trees and the dangerous conequences of deforestation. He writes an article for publication in the newspaper on ‘Harmful Consequences of Deforestation’ Write this article in not more than 200 words.
  5. Arti Gupta has been involved as a student volunteer in the ‘Adult Literacy Drive’ and has been working in the slums for the last six months. She has to write an article on ‘The Need for a Literate Nation’. Write her article using not more than 150-200 words.
  6. Promotion of the tourism industry can help a developing country like India towards the path to prosperity and can boost its economy. Write an article for a newspaper making various suggestions.
  7. Your city has just witnessed a Book Fair and you attended it with your friends. You have now been asked to contribute an article on ‘The World of Books—Treasures in Stores’. Write in about 150-200 words.
  8. Manish is allergic to smoking and wants a complete ban on smoking in public places. He wants to write an article on the ‘Evils of Smoking’ for publication in The Time of India, New Delhi. Write this article in not more than 200 words.
  9. Write an article for your school magazine on ‘Drug Abuse and its Prevention’ in not more than 200 words.
  10. You believe that India’s vast cultural diversity, multinationalism, regional variations and contributions are enriching and contribute positively not only to the national but at the international front also. Write an article on India-her Glorious Past and Golden future’ in about 200 words.
  11. You have just come back from a factory which employs children and have witnessed the awful conditions of their work place. Write an article advocating a total ban on child labour.
  12. You are Deepika Sundaram, a student of class XIIB of Mata Sundari Public School, Jalandhar. Having watched the last solar eclipse on the millennium on the TV, she decides to write an article about it for her school magazine. Write her article in not more than 200 words.
  13. Savita Sangar is the Cultural Secretary of her school. She has been asked to present a brief report on the co-curricular activities of the school for inclusion in the Annual Report to be read out by the Principal on Annual Day. Write her report in about 200 words.
  14. The other day you visited the grain market at Sonepat. There you saw sacks of wheat being carried in overloaded bullockcarts by emaciated oxen. You felt disturbed by the cruelty meted out to harmless animals. Write an article suggesting how to prevent cruelty to animals.
  15. In aid of India’s golden jubilee celebration of the freedom struggle ‘Creative Forum’ has invited essays on the topic ‘The Freedom Movement and its Relevance Today’. Write the essay in 150-200 words.
  16. You think differently from the way your parents think about food, clothing and lifestyle. Write an article on ‘Generation Gap—A Myth or Reality’ in about 150-200 words.
  17. You witness children working in house building activities, shops, restaurants and small factories. You discuss the problem with your elder brother. He informs you about the unhealthy and awful conditions of factories making bangles, matches, crackers etc. where childlabour is usually employed. You feel agitated on realising their exploitation. Write an article for publication in a national daily advocating ban on child labour. (Word limit: 200 words)
  18. Your class has just seen a street comer play enacting out the changing face of society with a fall in human values. Write an article on ‘The Changing Value Systems—a Need for Reorientation’ in about 200 words.
  19. Aruna Pillai is the Cultural Secretary of her school. She has been asked to present a brief report on the co-curricular activities of the school for the Annual Day. Write in about 150-200 words.
  20. Priya sees a group of women protesters demanding reservation for women. At home she notices pampering of boys by mothers. She feels pained at the gender bias and decides to write an article on ‘Fair Treatment to Girl Child’ for a social magazine ‘Outlook’ (Word limit: 200 words).
  21. During the freedom struggle the citizens boycotted the foreign goods to save Indian economy and artisans. With the globalisation of economy you find markets flooded with foreign goods. This has adversely affected the production and quality of indigenous products. Write an article for a newspaper praising the virtues of Swadeshi goods and suggesting ways and methods to popularise them to boost the economy.
  22. Write an article in 200 words on:
    ‘A television programme you enjoyed most’.
  23. Write an article in 200 words on the following topic:
    Walking to School on a Rainy Day.
  24. Write an article in 200 words on the following topic: The scene—an hour before the examination in front of the Examination Hall.
  25. Write an article on the evils of dowry system for Indian Express, Delhi. Your article should not exceed 200 words.
  26. With the onset of the monsoons, the mosquitoes have also arrived. Radha Saxena decides to write an article for her school magazine about the mosquito menance and the popular ways in which people protect themselves against it. Write the article in not more than 200 words.
  27. Varshini read about the recent twin tower collapse due to terrorist activities in the United States of America. She decides to write an article for a local daily on the disaster caused by terrorism and the need to preserve peace. Write the article in about 200 words.
  28. Write an article in 200 words about The Future of Information Technology.’
  29. Write an article for your school magazine in not more than 200 words on the following : The role of youth in national development.
  30. Geeta Kochhar, a student of class XII feels highly disturbed when she reads about a bride burning case in the city of Sripur where she lives. She decides to write an article on the evils of the dowry system for the national daily ‘Hamara Hindustan’. Write the article in maximum of 200 words.
  31. Write an article in 200 words about ‘Physical Courage and Moral Courage’.
  32. Population explosion is still India’s first and foremost problem. Family planning is the only way to check the growing population. Write an article for a national daily on the importance of ‘Family Planning’.
  33. Manisha read about the death of many school kids after the declaration of the results of their examination. She feels perturbed and decides to write an article on the stress caused by faulty examination system. Write his article for insertion in The Times of India in about 150-200 words.
  34. You are Manoj/Meena. Write an article in 150-200 words on the following:
    Value education should be made a part of the curriculum in schools. Highlight the steps taken by your school in this direction.
  35. Write an article on your experience of going to school when suddenly it started raining heavily.
  36. ‘Games and sports should be made compulsory in schools.’ Do your agree ? Write an article in 150-200 words to be published in a local daily.
  37. ‘Are we happier than our ancestors?’ Write an article in 150-200 words to be published in your school magazine.4′
  38. Last year’s floods in Mumbai not only highlighted the inefficiency and indifference of the local administration but also brought out the indomitable spirit of the common man. It was a grand story of how people came to the rescue of the flood victims. Write an article in 150-200 words on how common man can realise his own powers and help rebuild a “New and Clean India” of which we can all be proucs. Sign yourself as Victor/Hellen.
  39. Your are Maneka/Manik. You strongly feel that the Indian Government is not taking adequate steps to promote tourism in India which could turn out to be one of the major revenue earning industries. Write an article in 150-200 words for a magazine giving your ideas on the steps the Indian Govt, could take to promote tourism aggressively.
  40. Indian TV is doing a great service to the general public. Write an article giving your views on the above topic in 150-200 words for a leading magazine. You are Arth/Arti, a citizen of Patna.
  41. A recent survey showed that there are still many communities in India which do not welcome the birth of a girl child. Can a country which does not give equal rights to all its citizens even dream of becoming great? Write an article in 150-200 words giving your views on the above subject and the steps we should take to solve this problem. You are Simran/Yusuf, a citizen of Hyderabad.

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