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NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English Chapter 8 Prose – Going Places


NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English Prose – Going Places

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English Chapter 8 Prose – Going Places we have covered all the chapter questions. This solution will prove beneficial for students who are preparing for the board and other competitive examinations along with the board exam.All the concepts of programming have been made quite accurate and authentic in this whole solution which will help you to make notes and also increase your interest in financial. Class 12 English Solution Notes is based on the CBSE Class 12 syllabus, which will also prove useful in the board exams and competitive exams.

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NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English Chapter 8 Prose – Going Places

All the English solutions Class 12 have been prepared by our top subject experts who are completely authentic. All PDF solutions provided by and we have solved all types of questions 1 mark, short questions and long questions and provide the solutions given below.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1:
Why did Sophie long for her brother’s affection?
Why did Sophie like her brother Geoff more than any other person?
Sophie found in her brother, Geoff a patient listener to all her fantasies and also one she could confide in. The other members of her family and even her friend Jansie made fun of her fantastic stories. This made her quite fond of Geoff.

Question 2:
Why is Sophie attracted to Danny Casey?
Danny Casey is a young,tall and handsome football player who is successful. Romantic young girls of Sophie’s age indulge in day-dreaming about things beyond their reach or means. Naturally, she was attracted to him

Question 3:
How are Jansie and Sophie different from each Other?
Jansie’s feet are grounded in reality while Sophie is a day dreamer. Jansie is very practical in thinking that people of their stature can only become workers in a biscuit factory, whereas Sophie dreams that she will become a successful actress, a fashion designer, a store manager or even an owner of a boutique.

Question 4:
Did Geoff keep up his promise? How do you know?
Geoff didn’t keep his promise to Sophie. Sophie told Ge
Jansie, about it. However, Geoff never revealed the full story, as he did not tell Jansie about Sophie’s supposed ‘date’ with Danny Casey.

Question 5:
off about her meeting with Danny Casey at the Royce. Geoff told the story to Frank who in turn told his sister,
Why was Sophie jealous of Geoff s silence?
Geoff never spoke much. Sophie always pondered over the areas of his life which he never talked about. His world remained a fascination for her. She felt that when he was not speaking, his mind was away at some unknown place, and so she felt jealous of h

Question 6:
Why didn’t Sophie want Jansie to know about her meeting with Danny?
ophie didn’t want Jansie to know about her meeting with Danny Casey because Jansie was a blabbermouth. The moment she knew of someone’s secret, the whole neighborhood would get to know of it. Sophie didn’t want this meeting to reach her father’s ears or else she would be in trouble.

Question 7:
Why did Sophie wriggle when Geoff told her father that she had met Danny Casey?
Sophie’s father considered her to be a daydreamer. She knew that he would not believe her meeting with Danny Casey and he would be rather angry with her. She wriggled as she knew her father would scold her for having such wild fantasies.

Question 8:
Which was the only occasion when she got to see Danny Casey in person?
only occasion when Sophie got to see Danny Casey in person was when she, along with her family, went to watch a football match of their team. United. Sophie was sitting among st the spectators and could see her hero Casey only from a distance.

Question 9:
Why did Jansie discourage Sophie from entertaining thoughts about the sports-star, Danny Casey?
Jansie was a realist and not a daydreamer like Sophie. She discouraged Sophie from entertaining thoughts about the sports-star, Dapny Casey because she knew that her dreams were far from reality.

Question 10:
‘Damn that Geoff, this was a Geoff thing not a Jansie thing.’ Why did Sophie say so?
Sophie knew that her friend Jansie was a bit nosy. She was also a rumor monger. Sophie feared that Jansie would spread the story about this meeting with Danny and then people would come to her house asking about it. That was why she was annoyed with her brother Geoff for telling others the information she shared with him.

Question 11:
What thoughts came to Sophie’s mind as she sat by the canal?
Sophie was waiting for Danny Casey, sitting by the canal. In the beginning, she imagined him coming, and even began to fantasize his actions and dialogues. However, after some time, when he did not turn up, reality hit her and she became sad. She thought that her family would never believe her. She also thought that Geoff would be disappointed.

Question 12:
How did Sophie’s father react when Geoff told him about her meeting with Danny Casey? Does her father believe her story?
Sophie’s father is a realist to the core and is quite critical of her daydreaming. He does not believe in Sophie’s story at all and dismisses it as another of her wild fantasies. When Geoff tells him about Sophie’s chance encounter with Danny Casey, the Irish prodigy, he expresses disdain and rubbishes her story. He warns Sophie that such concocted stories will land her into trouble some day.

Question 13:
Does Geoff believe what Sophie says about her meeting with Danny Casey?
Geoff finds it hard to believe the story of Sophie’s meeting Danny Casey. He knew that her stories were never true and he couldn’t believe this one as well. Sophie tries to convince him by even describing Casey’s appearance. He might have believed her story partially, for he tells about it to Jansie’s brother Frank.

Question 14:
What did Sophie imagine about her meeting with Danny Casey?
Sophie imagined that she met the United football player, Danny Casey at the Royce store. She asked him for an autograph but neither of them had a pen. Then they began talking about the clothes in the shop. Casey promised to meet her again next week.

Question 15:
Where was it most likely that the two girls would find work after school? 

The two girls, Sophie and Jansie, were most likely to find work in the local biscuit factory. They belonged to the lower middle class and could not go in for higher studies after school. Besides, they could not think of other job options.

Question 16:
What were the options that Sophie was dreaming of? Why does Jansie discourage her from having such dreams?
Sophie was dreaming of opening a boutique. When Jansie told her that it would require a lot of money, she would said that she would become a manager till then to save the money for her boutique. She also hoped of becoming an actress. Jansie discouraged her from having such dreams because she knew that they were not realistic. Both of them belonged to lower middle-class families and didn’t have either the means or the skills to fulfil such dreams.

Question 17:r:
How does Sophie include her brother Geoff in her fantasy of her future?
Sophie has no idea of the places Geoff visits or the people he meets there. His unknown world fascinates her and she longs to be a part of it. She hopes he would take her there some day. She imagines herself riding there behind Geoff on his motorcycle, and the world rising to greet them with applause.

Question 18:
Who was Danny Casey? Which country did he play for? What made him so popular?
Danny Casey was a young soccer player who played for Ireland. He was popular because he played really well. His technique was a blend of innocence and Irish genius. He drove his fans ecstatic when he struck’ the football into the goal. They were so overwhelmed with his genius that they wished he was , an Englishman.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1:
Sophie lives in a world full of dreams which she does not know she cannot realize. Comment.
Sophie’s dreams and disappointments are all in her mind. Discuss.
Sophie always lives in a make-believe world of her own. She always imagined that she will have a successful career as a boutique owner, store
After he did not turn up, she realized that this was only her dream and Danny would never date her. Even then, she is lost in her dream world, becoming sad that Danny did not come.

Question 2:
How different is Jansie from Sophie?
Of Jansie is just as old as Sophie but she is very different from her. Bring out the contrast between the two friends, citing relevant instances from the story, ‘Going places’.
Sophie was a dreamer who created her own fantasy world using her fertile imagination. She displayed her urge to transcend her status from a working class girl to a higher level of sophistication by pursuing her ambition to become an actress, a fashion designer, a manager or a boutique owner. She even dreams of dating Danny Casey, a famous football player, although he was ‘ much above her financial status.
Jansie was just the opposite, being more practical, down to earth and realistic. Jansie, being mature and sensible, always reminded Sophie that they were earmarked for working in the biscuit factory after passing out from school and that wild dreams were not befitting their low financial status. Jansie was also a blabbermouth, as she could not keep any secrets.

Question 3:
It is not unusual for a lower middle class girl to dream big. How unrealistic were Sophie’s dreams?
It is normal for adolescents to fantasize and indulge in hero worship. How far is it true Of Sophie?
Sophie was an adolescent girl who always lived in a make-believe world of her own. She always had the unrealistic expectation that she will have a successful career as a boutique owner, store manager, actress or even local biscuit factory after passing out from school. Similarly, she unrealistically imagined that a famous footballer like Danny Casey would date her. She even went to the extent of waiting beside the canal for him. After he did not turn up, she realized that this was a fashion designer. This was totally unrealistic, as she was from a working class family and would have to work in these only her dream and Danny would never date her. Even then, she is lost in her dream world, becoming sad that Danny did not come. This shows how unrealistic were her dreams.

Question 4:
Has Sophie met Danny Casey? What details of her meeting with Danny Casey did she narrate to her brother?
Did Sophy really meet Danny Casey?
No, Sophie has never really met Danny Casey. She has just seen Danny Casey on the field when she went to watch the team United play a football match. There, she was one of the spectators and could see Casey playing, but only from a distance. However, Sophie lives in a world of imagination. Casey was a young sports hero and Sophie idolized him. Her fictitious meeting with Casey was just another of her wild fantasies. Sophie told her brother Geoff that she met Casey near Royce’s window. As she was looking at the clothes, Casey came and stood beside her. She wanted to take his autograph for her younger brother Derek, but neither of them had a pen or paper. Casey then suggested that they could meet again next week, and then he would also give his autograph.

Question 5:
What were Sophie’s plans for her future? Why would you call her dreams unrealistic?
Sophie planned to open a boutique after she passed out of school. When Jansie told her that it would require a lot bf money, she said that she would become a manager and save money for her boutique. She later also added that she would either become an actress or a fashion designer. For a girl from a lower middle class family, such dreams are certainly far from reality. Sophie’s friend Jansie, who is quite practical, dissuades Sophie from indulging in such childish fantasies. Sophie lives in’ her own world, a world of imagination. She wants to materialize all those things which were simply not possible on practical grounds. Never for once in the story does the girl think practically or comes out of her dream world.

Question 6:
Read the following and answer the question that follows in about 100 words. Sophie was a dreamer. The lesson ‘Going Places’ reminds us that mere dreams will not help us to accomplish anything. What qualities, do you think, would help Sophie to realize her dreams?
Sophie needed to work hard to realize her dreams, instead of just fantasizing about her meeting with Danny Casey. She should understand her reality that she is from a middle class working family. ‘ manager, actress or fashion designer. Jansie always used to bring her down to earth by remarking that both of them were earmarked to be working in the local biscuit factory after passing out from school. . Initially she would face many difficulties because of her poor financial condition, but after she started working, she should save her earnings and try to improve her education so that she could take up better jobs.
This requires her character to be determined and hard-working, instead of being just a daydreamer like she is now. Gradually she can raise her status to the level when she would be able to attract successful people like Danny.

Question 7:
Attempt a character sketch of Sophie as a woman who lives in her dreams.
Sophie has been portrayed as a central character in the story ‘Going Places’. She represents the girls of her age from poor families. As in reality they can’t have the things they want, they dream about them. Sophie always lives in her dreams. She makes up the story of meeting Danny Casey, a young charming and upcoming footballer. Nobody believes her but she refuses to accept that it is her dream. Rather, she starts believing that she has met him. To show that she is telling the truth, she makes up another story that she has fixed a date with him. She is so lost in her dream that she actually goes to the canal and waits for him. He does not show up. Her dreams have become an integral part of her life, and she cannot distinguish between her world of imagination and the real world.

Question 8:
Contrast Sophie’s real world with her fantasies.
The story ‘Going Places’ is a journey into the dream world of the protagonist, a school girl named Sophie, who drifts from one dream to another. Sophie finds the reality of her life too harsh to accept. She belongs to a lower middle class family where nobody encourages her to dream of better prospects. Still she dreams of owning the best boutique, becoming a manager in some store or at other times becoming an actress or a fashion designer. In reality, the pitiable condition of her life does not let her venture  into such joyrides. However, in her dream world, she visits the Royce’s, meets Danny Casey, the sports icon, and even fixes up a date with him. It’s all in her mind, but she considers it true and actually waits for him to show up at a specified spot and time. The flight of her imagination is such that it flips from one dream to another and from one place to the other.

Question 9:
How would you describe the character and temperament of Sophie’s father?
Sophie’s father is a typical man belonging to the working class. He is the sole provider of the family. We first meet him as a coarse, ill-mannered man stuffing shepherd pie into his mouth, wearing his dirty and sweaty vest. He is a practical person who never leaves the world of harsh reality. He wants Sophie to step out of her dream world and tells her that her habit of making up stories is going to land her into trouble some day. He goes to the pub to celebrate something as frivolous as a football match. Thus, he is quite selfish. In spite of being the head of an impoverished family with so many mouths to feed, we never see him indulging in self-pity or cursing his fate. He rather enjoys his life to the fullest by making a weekly pilgrimage to watch the football match.

Question 10:
Why did Sophie like her brother Geoff more than any other person? From her perspective, what did he symbolise?
To Sophie, her brother Geoff symbolized liberty from her dull, drab, monotonous and impoverished existence. He had left school three years ago and was working away from home as an apprentice mechanic. She imagined that he met many exotic and interesting people. She wished in her heart of hearts that she could be admitted more deeply into her brother’s affections and that some day he might take her with him. She even imagined herself and Geoff to be a part of that glamorous world. Sophie liked Geoff because he was a man of few words. He patiently listened to her stories about meeting the sports icon Danny Casey although he suspected it was not true. Still he gave her the impression that he had believed her. This made Sophie adore him more than she did any other member of her family.

Question 11:
“I can see the future and now I will have to live with this burden, “says Sophie. Discuss the statement in the light of the chapter ‘Going Places’.
Sophie always lived in a make-believe world of her own. It was probable that in the course of her wishful thinking she imagined that Danny Casey had promised her for a date. Nobody in the family believed her. However, she went to her Favorited haunt to meet Casey, who did not show up. This made her realize that Geoff had been right. Still she was under compulsion to insist that she had really met Danny Casey. She would never be able to tell about her family that—“they’re wrong to doubt me”. She was filled with sadness because her life would not undergo the transformation she had imagined. The glamour of the exotic world she dreamt of was not within her reach. This was a burden that she found difficult to come to terms with and carry.

Question 12:
Justify the title of the story ‘Going Places’.
The story ‘Going Places’ is a journey into the dream world of the protagonist who drifts from one dream to another.
Sophie, the protagonist in the story, finds the reality of her life too harsh to accept. She belongs to a lower-middle class family.
Still, she dreams of owning the best boutique, becoming a manager in some store or at other times becoming an actress or a fashion designer. In reality, the pitiable conditions of her life do not let her venture into such joyrides.
In her dream world, she visits the Royce’s, meets Danny Casey, the sports icon, and even fixes up a date with him. It’s all in her mind but she considers it true and actually waits for him to show up at a specified spot and time. The flight of her imagination is such that it flips from one dream to another and from one place to the other. Thus, the title suits the story, because throughout the narration the protagonist flip-flops from one dream to the next, from one place to the other.

Value Based Question

Question 1:
Sophie lives in her fantasies. She hopes to make it big. You realize that the modern day youth are also like that. You decide to write an article about the need to dream and how can it prove to be harmful sometimes.
Dream Big
We all hope to achieve our inner dreams and desires some day. Dreams are like a guiding light, they make us work harder. It is only when we dream big that we can achieve something great in life, because every dream precedes the goal. It is well said that the one who doesn’t dream cannot reach his goals.
But, how much of living in the fantasy world is good? Modern day youth has the tendency to get swayed by their wild fantasies, without realizing the reality. Being in a dream world all the time actually does morn e harm than good.
This doesn’t mean that we should be afraid to dream. What is needed is a balance. We must never forget the difference between imagination and reality. It is important to dream; because only then can we strive to achieve our goals. Just forgetting reality in the pursuit of dreams is harmful.

Miscellaneous Question

Question 1:
It is natural for teenagers to have unrealistic dreams. What would you say are the benefits and disadvantages of such fantasising?
Dreaming is a necessary part of one’s life. Without dreams, there will be no aims and aspirations in our lives.
Teenage is a stage which every human being goes through. At that she is involved in a romantic liaison with him. We cannot solely put the blame on her for this. Her dreams are unrealistic as age, everybody indulges in hero worship and fantasizing. This is what happens with Sophie also. She idolizes Danny Casey to the extent that she imagines tend she views the world with rose-colored glasses. Her longing for earning a large amount of money forces her to dream of opening a boutique, become an actress or a fashion designer. Such unrealistic dreams which are not within our reach can be damaging to our personality, as unrealistic goals which are beyond our capacity can lead to depression, low self-esteem and suicidal tendencies. Thus, dreams are a part and parcel of our lives. We cannot do without them, but we must remember that if we go overboard with them, they may have a negative effect on our personalities.

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