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Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples


Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples

The most common form of written communication is the letter. Letters should have a format that goes with the latest conventions.

Types of Letters include:

  • Informal letters—These are letters written to close associates.
  • Formal letters — These are:
    • Business or official letters (for making enquiries, registering complaints, asking for and giving information, placing orders and sending replies).
    • Letters to the Editor (giving suggestions on an issue).
    • Application for job.

Important points to remember while drafting letters:

  •  Write the letter in full block format (i.e., to the left).
  • State your reason for writing in the first paragraph and stay on track.
  • Always include specifics that will help ease the recipient’s task. For instance, if you are writing to a bank, mention your account number.
  • If you refer to other correspondence, quote date of the letter(s), reference numbers, file numbers, order numbers, cheque number with date. Include copies, whenever possible.
  • Gently and respectfully direct the recipient’s course of action.
  • It may be strongly worded, but always be courteous and use polite language and pleasant tone.
  • Self-introduction should be avoided.
  • Informal expressions, greetings or contracted forms of words should not be used.
  • The language should be simple, straight forward and to the point.
  • Leave a line/additional space between paragraphs since no indentation is followed.
  • Open punctuation to be followed (no punctuation marks to be used).
  • Do not mix up the old format and the new format.
  • In letters to the Editor:
    • Do not ask the editor to solve the problems.
  • Inob application Letters:
    • Curriculum Vitae (CV)/Biodata Format/Resume should be written.
    • It should not be included in the body of the letter but after the complimentary close, as an enclosure.
  • In the letter to the Editor:
    • use ‘yours truly’ or ‘yours sincerely’, as the complimentary

Format of the Letter:
Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Format of the Letter 1

Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Format of the Letter 1.1

Also, Read the Format of Joining letter and Relieving Letter

Previous Years’ CBSE Examination Questions

Long Answer Type Questions-II

Question 1.
SAF Public School, Chandigarh is planning to take a group of 40 senior students to Shimla on an excursion during the summer vacation. Mr. Mohan Das, the teacher-in-charge of ‘Excursions & Field Trips’, writes a letter to Tours & Travels, Chandigarh asking them to organize the tour. Write this letter giving details of preference such as dates of journey, transport, accommodation, etc. (Delhi 2009)
SAF Public School
18th April, 20xx
The Manager
jj Tours & Travels
Sector 40-C

Subject: To organise an excursion to Shimla for 40 students

We are a group of 40 senior students and 5 teachers who are planning a five-day excursion to Shimla during our summer vacations. We would like your travel company to organise this trip for us. Our preferred dates for this trip are between the 20th and 30th of May. We would like to travel by the toy train to Shimla and rely upon your company’s expertise to book decent accommodation for us on a twin-sharing basis in a hotel on the main Mall Road. The cost of the trip should not exceed? 8,000 per student with boarding and lodging. I would appreciate a fast response from your end giving us the details and an itinerary for our trip.

Looking forward to your early response.

Yours sincerely
Mohan Das

Question 2.
You are Navneet of 65, P.H. Road, Mangalore. Recently you bought a mobile phone from ‘The Phone Point’, 83, Mount Road, Mangalore. The phone instrument developed a problem within a month of purchase. Write a letter to the dealer giving details of the nature of the problem and asking him/her to rectify the defect or replace the set. (Delhi 2009)
65, P.H. Road
17th January, 20xx
The Phone Point
83, Mount Road

Subject: Rectify/Replace Defective Mobile Phone

I had purchased a mobile phone Nokia E-63 from your showroom vide Bill No. 4020 on 22nd December. I was using it to my satisfaction since I bought it but for the past few days I have noticed that I now need to charge my phone after every 4-5 hours, unlike earlier when I used to charge my phone after almost 24 hours. Despite the fact that I am using the phone for the same duration as before the battery life has reduced drastically. It is my request to you to rectify this defect with the battery, or replace the handset that comes with a one-year warranty. The Phone Point enjoys a good reputation and goodwill, so I expect you to look into the matter at the earliest so as to enable me to use my mobile phone as conveniently as I. was using it before.

Yours sincerely

Question 3.
Read the advertisement given below and write a letter applying for the job. Also give your detailed resume to be sent along with the letter. You are Praveen Kumar of 95 HAL Colony, Bengaluru. (Delhi 2009)

Situations Vacant

Wanted Post Graduate Teacher in English to teach Senior Secondary Classes in a reputed school in Bengaluru. Candidates should have a minimum of three years of teaching experience. Apply to Box No. 178, C/o ‘The Deccan Herald’, Bengaluru 500 015.

95, HAL Colony
M.G. Road
11th june, 20xx
The Advertiser
Box No. 178
C/ o The Deccan Herald
Bengaluru 500 015

Subject: Application for the Post of P.G. Teacher in English

This is in response to your advertisement in ‘The Deccan Herald’ dated 9thune, 20xx for the post of PGT in English for your institution. I wish to apply for the same.

Attached herewith is my brief resume and I would be too happy if I am considered for the above-mentioned post in your school.

Yours sincerely
Praveen Kumar
Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Q3

Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Q3.1

If my particulars suit your requirement, I will be happy to come for a personal interview as per your schedule.
Praveen Kumar

Question 4.
You are jolly of Class XII. You are interested in pursuing a course in visual communication. You have seen an advertisement issued by the National Institute of Communication, Pune, offering courses in Media and Communication. Write a letter to the Director seeking information about their courses, fee structure, placement opportunities, etc. (All India 2009)
D-4020 ABC Lane
XYZ City
14th April, 20xx
The Director
National Institute of Communication

Subject: Seeking information about the Course in Visual Communication

This is in response to your advertisement in ‘The Daily’ dated 12th April, 20xx regarding courses offered by your institute in Media and Communication. I have just appeared for my class XII examination and am interested in pursuing a course in Visual Communication. As very little information is available about this course, I would be extremely grateful if you could send me detailed information about it so as to enable me to move on to the next step and try to seek admission in your reputed institute. Please forward the following details at the earliest:

1. Procedure for Admission
2. Duration of the Course
3. Eligibility Criteria
4. Course fee (instalment for each term)
5. Placement opportunities available after course completion
6. Any other relevant information related to this course

I am extremely keen to join the above- mentioned course and would be obliged if you mail me a Prospectus for the same in the self- addressed stamped envelope enclosed herewith.

Awaiting your early response.

Yours sincerely

Question 5.
Write a letter to the Manager, Furniture World, Chennai, complaining about the poor quality of office furniture you recently purchased from them. Give details of the nature of complaint, date of purchase, details of an invoice, etc. and seek immediate repair/ replacement. You are Mr. S.Reddy, Principal, P.S. Public School, Chennai. (All India 2009)
P.S. Public School
7th March, 20xx
The Manager
Furniture World

Subject: Letter of Complaint against poor quality of office furniture

We had purchased office furniture from your showroom on 17thanuary vide Invoice No. FWC/2051.1 am sorry to say that most of these items sent by you are of poor quality and very non-durable. Not even two months have passed and the chairs are already creaking as the springs used in them are of inferior quality. The wood on the tables too has started chipping off at different places. Four of the seven wooden almirahs are defective as their handles are loose and they are not even stable. It is most disgusting that a reputed shop like yours has been unable to maintain the quality of its products. I would request you to have this faulty lot replaced by a new one, with the best quality at the earliest and would appreciate if you initiated action in this matter fast.

Yours sincerely
S. Reddy

Question 6.
You are Indu, a student of Class XII living at 131, Hans Apartments, Agra. You are interested in pursuing a course in journalism. Write a letter in response to an advertisement issued by the Asian Institute of journalism, Delhi in a national daily, seeking information about suitable courses, eligibility, fee structure and placement opportunities. (All India 2009)
131, Hans Apartment
14th April, 20xx
The administrative Officer
Asian Institute of journalism

Subject: Seeking information about Course in journalism

This is in reference to your advertisement in ‘The Dainik Bhaskar’ dated 12th April, 20xx. I have just appeared for my Class XII examination and am now interested in pursuing course journalism from your reputed institute. I would like to get complete information about the Degree Courses journalism, especially including the following details:

1. Procedure for Admission
2. Duration of Course
3. Criteria for Admission
4. Fee structure (instalment for each term)
5. Placement opportunities available after course completion

I am very keen to pursue the journalism Course from your esteemed institute and would be obliged if you could mail a prospectus in the self-addressed stamped envelope that I have enclosed along with this letter.

Awaiting an early response from your end.

Yours sincerely

Question 7.
Write a letter to the Manager, Book World, Chennai, complaining about the delay in the supply of Class VII textbooks for the current academic year giving necessary details. Highlight the inconvenience caused due to it and seek an immediate supply of books. You are Rajini/Rajan, Manager, Book Store, Good Shepherd High School, Trichy. (All India 2009)
Book Store
Good Shepherd High School
5thuly, 20xx
The Manager
Book World

Subject: Delay in the supply of Class VII textbooks

Dear Sir
It is hereby brought to your notice that the order we had placed for the class VII textbooks for our school for the current academic session, has not been received by us despite the fact that it has been almost two months since we placed the order. We had placed the order for these books in the first week of May and have not received them yet. The new academic session has begun and now the school is going to
conduct the first round of Unit Tests. The absence of textbooks is bound to hamper their preparations. We request you to make immediate arrangements to despatch the books within this week failing which we will not only be forced to cancel this order but will also be forced to reconsider placing any future order for books with you.

I hope you will look into this matter personally and take instant action.

Yours sincerely Rajan
Manager, Book Store

Question 8.
You are Sruthi/Shira staying at R.K.Puram, Secunderabad. Your locality being away from [ the main city, the poor bus service adversely: affects the life of residents. Write a letter to; the Editor, Deccan Chronicle, highlighting the < problems faced and also giving a few possible solutions. (Delhi 2009)
Be really Apartments
M.G. Road
25th February, 20xx
The Editor
Deccan Chronicle

Subject: Poor Bus Service on M.G. Road

On behalf of the residents of Berpally Apartments, I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities about the poor bus service in our area which is adversely affecting the lives of the residents who are commuting by bus.

Our locality lies on the outskirts of the main city, so a majority of our residents resort to use of public transport to commute to and from the | city. But the poor bus-service which has also I led to the buses being over-crowded is becoming a major problem for residents. Despite our repeated pleas the concerned authorities have turned a deaf ear to our problem which we now have been facing for the past almost two years. Our only request is that a few additional buses be assigned for our i locality so that commuting to the city is not a nightmare for us.

T hope you will publish my letter in your esteemed daily so that our plea is heard and action is taken to lessen our woes.

Yours sincerely

Question 9.
Write a letter to the Editor, ‘The Hindu’, Chennai about rash and reckless driving by the people in your city, suggesting preventive measures. You are Kamal/Kanwar of 10, Mount Road, Velacherry. (All India 2009)
10, Mount Road
31st October, 20xx
The Editor
The Hindu

Subject: Rash and reckless driving

Through the medium of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to express my concern about the rash and reckless driving by our city drivers which has led to an unprecedented rise in the number of road accidents.

One now feels rather scared of these reckless drivers who it seems are all geared to drive over people and collide with other vehicles. Serious thinking and stern measures need to be taken up by the traffic police to prevent this problem. Heavy fines should be levied on overspeeding drivers and those who do not follow the traffic rules. After three consecutive fines the licence of reckless drivers should be confiscated for a minimum period of six months. The traffic police needs to deal very strictly with these careless citizens who indulge in such dangerous driving.

Through the column of your newspaper, I would like to appeal to the concerned authorities to give this problem their immediate attention.

Yours sincerely

Question 10.
Write a letter to the Editor, ‘The Hindu’ about the mosquito menace due to stagnant water in your locality. Give suggestions to improve the situation. You are Raman/Renu, living in Rajaji Nagar, Tirunelveli. (All India 2009)
Rajaji Nagar
16th August, 20xx
The Editor
The Hindu

Subject: Mosquito Menace due to Stagnant Water

Through the medium of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the mosquito menace due to stagnant water in our locality.

It is most unfortunate that despite the level of awareness created by the media and the municipal department itself not much has been done to improve the potholes in the roads of our locality. They have not been repaired and this leads to water stagnation at various places during the monsoon season which, in turn, provides an ideal breeding place for mosquitoes. Despite our repeated complaints to the municipal authorities nothing has been ! done to improve the pathetic condition of the roads. These mosquitoes lead to the spread of a: variety of deadly diseases like dengue, malaria | etc. The authorities need to look into this matter! urgently by making arrangements to pump out; the stagnant water or by spraying repellents or kerosene oil to check the breeding of this disease-causing mosquitoes.

Since the only permanent solution to this problem is repairing the road, I would be grateful if the concerned authorities pay heed to our problem and necessary action on this is taken at the earliest.

Yours sincerely

Question 11.
There is a flood of advertisements on television channels these days. Useless commodities and even superstitious beliefs are promoted through glamorous and exaggerated presentations. Write a letter to the Editor, ‘New Indian Express’ about the negative influence such advertisements have on the minds of the people. You are Radha/ Ramesh of Mayur Vihar, Lucknow. (All India 2009)
Mayur Vihar Lucknow
22nd September, 20xx
The Editor
New Indian Express
Subject: Adverse Effect of Advertisements

Through the medium of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to enlighten the public about the negative influence of advertisements that promote useless commodities and superstitious beliefs through glamorous and exaggerated presentations.

The advertisers present a superficial scenario that is far removed from reality and has a lasting effect on the minds of the people. These advertisements, which can be seen, heard and read almost everywhere on televisions, radio, newspapers etc., are more pervasive and less recognizable as a sales pitch. In order to capture the minds of the prospective buyers, advertisement companies are constantly seeking new ways to target their audience and resort to all kinds of means to present their products attractively. We can rightly say that advertisers these days have lost their moral scruples and have no qualms in resorting to even lies and deceit to sell their product.

I hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper so as to make the general public aware about the negative and harmful effects of advertising and thus enable them not to take their exaggerated and glamorous presentations seriously.

Yours sincerely

Question 12.
You have shifted your residence from 10, Lajpat Road to House No. 232, Aurobindo Marg, Delhi. Write a letter to the General Manager, MTNL requesting him for an early transfer of your telephone line. You are Rohit/ Radhika of 15, The Mall, Amritsar. (All India 2009)
House No. 232
Aurobindo Marg
25th February, 20xx
The General Manager
MTNL, New Delhi
Subject: Transfer of Telephone Line

Through the medium of this letter I would like to request you for an early transfer of my telephone line from my old address to my new address. I am a customer of the MTNL and my present phone number is 011-26134252. I was residing in 10, Lajpat Road, Delhi and have now shifted to House No. 232, Aurobindo Marg, Delhi. So I would request you to transfer my telephone line with immediate effect as MTNL is also my internet service provider and without a telephone and an internet connection it will not be possible for me to pursue my official work. So I look forward to early action from your department and will be extremely grateful for your help.

Yours sincerely

Question 13.
Write a letter to the Manager, Haldirams, Nagpur requesting him to supply 60 lunch packets for your excursion party which would be travelling by G.T.Express from Delhi to Chennai. Your train would reach Nagpur at 12.15 p.m. Mention your coach number and the other relevant details. You are Priti/ Pritam, Co-ordinator of the Excursion Party of Sriram Vidya Niketan, Delhi. (All India 2009)
Sriram Vidya Niketan
1st December, 20xx
The Manager

Subject: Request for supply of sixty lunch packets

Dear Sir
We are a group of fifty students and six teachers going on an excursion to Chennai. We will be travelling by G.T. Express and will leave Delhi on the 13th of December at 10.30 p.m. Our train will be reaching Nagpur on the 14th of December at 12.15 p.m. We would like to request you to have sixty lunch packets delivered at Nagpur station at 12.15 p.m. on the 14th of December. Our coach number is SI and our bogie number is A2. I am enclosing herewith a Demand Draft of? 5,000 as advance payment and will make the final payment on delivery of the lunch packets. I request you to be punctual as the train halts at Nagpur station for fifteen minutes only. I would be grateful if you confirm acceptance of our order at the earliest.
Awaiting your early response.

Yours sincerely
Pritam (Co-ordinator, Excursion Party)

Question 14.
Dog owners walking their dogs along the colony streets is a common sight. These pets relieve themselves on the pavements and dirty them. It is unseemly and unhygienic. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner of your city highlighting the situation and suggesting measures to keep the pavements clean. You are jyoti/Parmesh, 15 Mall Road, Delhi. (Comptt. All India 2009)
15 Mall Road Delhi
18th April, 20xx
The Municipal Commissioner
Municipal Corporation

Subject: Pet Dogs making city unclean and unhygienic

I wish to bring to your notice a matter which concerns each and every one of us who lives in this city and is anxious about keeping it clean and hygienic.
Dog owners walking their dogs in the streets and parks has been a common sight. These pet dogs relieve themselves along the streets, pavements and in the parks and thus make them dirty and unhygienic. Urgent measures need to be taken up to prohibit this practise so that we can keep our city clean. Heavy fines needs to be levied on these dog owners who take their pet dogs for relieving on the streets and parks. Certain open areas should be specified where these pet dogs can relieve themselves. People in countries like USA, UK etc. also keep pet dogs but ensure that they relieve themselves without contaminating their cities. So dog lovers in our country should also be made to adhere to certain rules to keep our city clean and hygienic.

I hope you will look into this matter urgently and seriously to ensure the cleanliness of our city.

Yours sincerely

Question 15.
A new advertising firm. Prime Ads Ltd., 2 Tolstoy Marg, Kolkata, needs office space at a prime location in Delhi. Write a letter to the Manager offering first floor of your building on rent. Give details of the premises, terms and conditions etc. You are Paramjit Singh, Manager Planwell Builders, Nehru Place, New Delhi. (Comptt. All India 2009)
Plainwell Builders
Nehru Place
New Delhi
25th Feb., 20xx
The Manager
Prime Ads Ltd.
2, Tolstoy Marg

Subject: Office space in Delhi available

We got to know through your advertisement on the internet that you are looking for office space for your new advertising firm at a prime location in Delhi. We, at Planwell Builders have a place that will be most suitable for your office at Karol Bagh in West Delhi. It is barely 2 kms from the Metro Station, in a prime commercial area and has three spacious interconnected rooms. We are willing to sign a registered extendable lease for two years at a rent of? 75,000 per month. We will require a deposit of three lakhs (refundable) and three months rent in advance. If these terms and conditions suit you we would be happy to sign an agreement with you at the earliest.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely
Paramjit Singh

Question 16.
Write a letter to the Editor, ‘Deccan Times’, Bengaluru about the inadequate parking facilities in Commercial Street, M.G. Road, which is causing a lot of inconvenience to the people. Offer your suggestions. You are Anoop/Ritu, 24 Hennus Road, Bengaluru. (Delhi 2011)
24, Hennus Road
26th November, 20xx
The Editor Deccan
Times Bengaluru

Subject: Inadequate Parking on M.G. Road

Through the medium of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to bring to notice the problem that many people are facing due to inadequate parking facilities in Commercial Street at M.G. Road.

This is causing a lot of inconvenience to the people who are forced to remain stuck in long traffic jams due to heavy congestion of vehicles, especially during peak traffic hours. Many times accidents occur due to overcrowding of vehicles and cause further chaos. It is my earnest request to the concerned authorities to take-up immediate steps to remedy this problem. This road leading to Commercial Street should be made a one-way road during the peak traffic hours, i.e., between 8 am to 11 am and 5 pm to 8 pm respectively. Heavy fines should be levied on people who wait inside their vehicles in the ‘No Waiting’ area. If these steps are strictly implemented it is sure to bring some respite to the daily commuters.

I hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper so that the concerned authorities take up immediate action to solve this problem.

Yours sincerely

Question 17.
Write a letter to the Dean, D.P.I. School of Management, Mumbai, requesting him to apprise you of the details such as eligibility criteria, fees, hostel facility, prospects of placement etc. for admission to P.G. Diploma in HRM. You are Ram/Romola of 21 Civil Lines, Bareily. (Delhi 2011)
21, Civil Lines Bareily
14th March, 20xx
The Dean
D.P.I. School of Management

Subject: Information about admission to HRM

I would be grateful if you could apprise me of the details for admissions to the P.G. Diploma in HRM. I haveust completed my graduation in Commerce and am interested in pursuing this course from your reputed institute.

Please forward the following details about the course.

1. Details for Admission
2. Eligibility Criteria
3. Fee Structure
4. Hostel Facility
5. Prospects for Placement
6. Scholarships Available (if any)

I would appreciate an early response from your end so as to enable me to decide my future course of action. I am sending herewith a self- addressed and duly stamped envelope so that you can send me a prospectus regarding this course at the earliest.

Yours sincerely

Question 18.
You are Rohit/Yasmin, a resident of 10, Civil Lines, Saharanpur. During your college life, you participated in various curricular and co-curricular activities with meritorious performance. Write a letter to the Principal of your College, i.e., Guru Nanak College, Ambala requesting him to issue you a testimonial including the details of your performance. (Delhi 2011)
10, Civil Lines
5thuly, 20xx
The Principal
Gurunanak College
Subject: Request for issue of testimonial

I had the privilege of being a student of this esteemed institution during the academic years 2007-2010. During these years I was extremely fortunate to participate in various curricular and co-curricular activities and bring great laurels to our college. Given below are my personal details for your ready reference.
Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Q18

I am sure the college records contains a detailed account of all my achievements. It is my request to you to issue me a testimonial that includes details of my performance and achievements as this will be extremely useful for my future prospects. Awaiting an early response from your end.

Yours sincerely

Question 19.
Judith Public School, Pune has recently introduced Diploma Course in Lab Technology under vocational stream. The prospectus of this course are not clear to your mind. Write a letter to the Principal of the school inquiring about the future prospects of this course and requesting him to send a prospectus, if any. You are Chaman/Chanchal, 25 Ashirwad Apartment, Kolhapur. (Delhi 2011)
25, Ashirwad Apartments
26th April, 20xx
The Principal
Judith Public School,

Subject: Information regarding Lab Techno-logy Course

I would like to get information about the newly introduced Diploma Course in Lab Technology under the vocational stream. I have just appeared for my class XII examination and am interested in pursuing this course but am not very clear about the future prospects of this course.

I would be grateful if you could send me the following information regarding this course:

1. Eligibility Criteria
2. Duration of the Course
3. Fee Structure
4. Scholarships available (if any)
5. Placement opportunities

I would be obliged if you could send me a prospectus, if it is available, for this course. I am enclosing a duly stamped self-addressed envelop so as to enable you to send me all the relevant details about this course. Awaiting an early response from your end.

Yours sincerely

Question 20.
Write a letter to the Municipal Chairman of New Town, North Arcot District about the dilapidated condition of a public monument requesting him to take urgent steps for the preservation of this valuable heritage. You are Anarkali/Akbar, 10, Pudupet, New Town. (Delhi 2011)
10, Pudupet
New Town
22nd December, 20xx
The Municipal
Chairman (New Town)
North Arcot District

Subject: Request for Urgent Steps to Preserve Valuable Heritage

Through the medium of this letter I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the dilapidated condition of the public monument in the North Arcot district.

This valuable heritage needs urgent attention failing which it is bound to be ruined in the very near future. It is my sincere appeal to the authorities to help in the restoration and preservation of this valuable heritage. All the ancient monuments in our country are an integral part of our rich cultural heritage and so we need to take care of them. They serve as important reminders of past events and cultures and are a tangible representation of the civilization in which they were constructed.

I am sure you too are equally concerned about the preservation of this moment and will definitely take up steps to ensure its restoration at the earliest.

Yours sincerely

Question 21.
You are Raman/Rama, a member of the Parent-Teacher Association of Little Valley Senior Secondary School, Hyderabad. Write a letter to the Principal of the school asking him to introduce vocational stream in the school providing facility of teaching such subjects as computers, insurance etc. so that the students may not needlessly continue academic studies. You are residing at 15, Anand Colony, Hyderabad. (All India 2011)
15, An and Colony
17th March, 20xx
The Principal
Little Valley Sr. Sec. School

Subject: Introduction of Vocational Stream

I am a member of the Parent-Teacher Association of our school and on behalf of the Association it is my earnest request to you to introduce vocational stream in our school to provide the facility of teaching subjects like computers, insurance etc. I am sure that the introduction of these subjects will prove extremely beneficial to many students who may not needlessly continue other academic subjects if their interest lies in vocational courses. The scope for these vocational courses has now increased like never before and so the introduction of this stream at the school level itself will prove to be very helpful for the students in planning their futures. Keeping the interest of the students in mind, we await a positive response from your end at the earliest.

Yours sincerely
Member, Parent-Teacher Association

Question 22.
Write a letter to the Manager (Publications) of Little Flower Company, Hyderabad, placing an order for 4 books on Management and Administration recently published by them. You are Roni^Rohini, Librarian, H.P. Engineering College, Tirupathi. (All India 2011)
H.P. Engineering
College Tirupathi
1st April, 20xx
The Manager (Publications)
Little Flower Company

Subject: Order for Books

On behalf of our college, I would like to place an order for the four books on Management and Administration that have recently been published by your publishing house. We require three copies each of all the four books. Payment for these books will be made by an Account Payee cheque on receipt of books. Please send along with the books the bill for these books, mentioning the discount offered to our Institute. We will be grateful for early delivery of these books as the new academic session has already begun and students are keen and pressing for issuing these books. Looking forward to a fast delivery from your end.

Yours sincerely

Question 23.
Write a letter to the Commissioner of Delhi Municipal Corporation, complaining about the mosquito-menace in your locality. Suggest urgent measures to cope with the problem. You are Lalita/Lalit, F-131, Nirvana Complex, Delhi. (Comptt. Delhi 2011)
F-131, Nirvana
Complex Delhi
26th August, 20xx
The Commissioner
Municipal Corporation
New Delhi

Subject: Mosquito-menace in our locality

Through the medium of this letter I would like to bring to your notice the major problem of mosquito menace in our locality which has become a major cause of concern for all residents.

These days, particularly due to the rains, many sewages and lanes in our locality are full of stagnant water. This stagnant water is proving to be an ideal place for breeding of mosquitoes. The Municipal Corporation seems to have forgotten that sewages need to be cleaned and water-logging needs to be inspected on a regular basis during the monsoon season. The mosquito-menace has thus become a major health hazard for the residents of our colony. The incessant and uncontrolled breeding of mosquitoes is a very serious cause of concern and your department needs to take up immediate steps to clean our area and de-silt the sewages.

We hope you will look into our problem on an urgent basis and take immediate action to ensure that your department takes up effective steps to remedy the mosquito menace that we are facing.

Yours sincerely

Question 24.
There are many students who do not have the opportunity to get guidance about their future career or for the selection of subjects at the school or college level. Write a letter to the Director, Doordarshan requesting him to introduce a regular programme on ‘Career Counselling’ for students of the country. (Conrptt. All India 2011)
ABC Lane
XYZ City
14th April, 20xx
The Director
New Delhi

Subject: Request to introduce ‘Career Counselling’ Programme

Through the medium of this letter, it is my earnest request to you to introduce a regular programme on ‘Career Counselling’ for the students of our country.

Many students are deprived of any opportunity to get a medium for guidance about their future career or even for the selection of subjects at the school or college level. This makes them totally confused and quite unsure about the future prospects of the subjects that they opt for. By introducing a programme on Career Counselling on your widely viewed channel, you will be helping many worthy students to take the right decisions to shape their future. Professional career counselling addresses a person’s interests, skills and educational background in a strategic way. Experienced and trained counsellors can be invited on this programme to facilitate the process of selecting. a particular career option.

Doordarshan as a channel has a mass appeal and thus 1 hope you will consider my request seriously and introduce this programme which will prove to be extremely beneficial to numerous students all over the country.

Yours sincerely

Question 25.
You are Anu/Arun, 13 W.E.A. Karol Bagh, New Delhi. You feel very strongly about the ill-treatment meted out to stray dogs at the hands of callous and indifferent people. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily giving your views on why some people behave in such a manner and how these dogs should be treated. (Delhi 2012)
13, W.E.A. Karol Bagh
New Delhi
17thanuary, 20xx
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi

Subject: Ill-treatment meted out to stray dogs

Through the medium of this letter I would like to voice my strong thoughts against the ill-treatment meted out to stray dogs at the hands of callous and indifferent people.

It is indeed pathetic to see how these stray dogs are not even accorded the basic dignity and protection that we believe must be accorded to all life on our planet. The stray dogs are more than often denied the protection of the very laws enacted by the lawmakers, the provision for animal rights, animal welfare and the prevention of cruelty against animals. These dogs who have lived in our midst for more than 14,000 years have to be treated humanely. But unfortunately, most of these dogs live in a miserable state, suffering from ill-treatment and atrocities meted out to them by callous people. It is high time that the concerned authorities for animal welfare ensure proper implementation of laws relating to Animal Rights that can be the most effective weapon against the exploitation of these helpless animals.

I hope you will publish my letter in your esteemed newspaper so as to make people aware about the need to ‘be human’ with stray dogs who are also living beings.

Yours sincerely

Question 26.
You are Keshav/Karuna, living at 1, MG Road, Bengaluru. You are very much concerned about the bad state of roads in the city. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your concern over the problem faced by the commuters and giving suitable suggestions to solve the problem. (Comptt. D 2012)
1 M.G. Road
1st july, 20xx
The Editor
The Daily News

Subject: Bad state of city roads

Through the medium of this letter I wish to bring to the notice of the concerned authorities the bad state of roads in the city due too which the commuters are facing a lot of problems. Due to poor maintenance, the condition of roads in the city is rather bad as they are full of potholes and cracks which lead to traffic jams and even damage the suspension of the commuters’ vehicles. It seems like the authorities are actually waiting for something untoward to happen before they wakeup and remedy this situation. Sources from Bengaluru Municipal corporation say the maintenance work of the city roads has been divided among agencies like Public Works Department and Bengaluru Development Authority which is the main problem as each agency gets a chance to pass on their responsibility.

It is now high time that a policy is made wherein all the busy and important roads should be developed by increasing their thickness every two years. By following this policy, the authorities can help to relieve the commuters’ problems.

I hope you will publish my letter in your esteemed newspaper so that the concerned authorities can look into this matter urgently.

Yours sincerely

Question 27.
You are Keshav/Karuna, living at 1, MG Road, Perambalur. You are very much concerned about the frequent and inadequate supply of electricity in the town, which has never happened so badly in the past. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper throwing light on the gravity of the situation, expressing your concern over the problems faced by the people and giving suitable suggestions to solve the problem. (Comptt. Delhi 2012)
1 M.G. Road
11th June, 20xx
The Editor
The Daily News

Subject: Inadequate Electricity Supply

Through the medium of this letter I wish to bring to the notice of the Electricity Department the problems that we are facing due to the inadequate electricity supply in our town. Though we have been facing power cuts for a long time the situation has never been as bad as it has been in the recent past. Despite repeated complaints to the consumer service centre, there has been no respite to people who are facing a lot of problems every day. Power cuts disrupt the studies of children and also cause great inconvenience to the elderly who stay home all day. The soaring temperature makes it difficult to bear the heat as fans, coolers, air- conditioners are rendered useless with no electricity.

It is my suggestion to the Electricity Board to allot power cut timings to different areas based on a schedule so that people of that area are prepared to face a power cut during that time period. Moreover, notices can also be issued to commercial complexes to close down at least one hour before their closing time so that power can be saved.

It is my request to you to publish this grievance so that the authorities realize our difficulty, take note of the suggestions and do the needful.

Yours sincerely

Question 28.
You are Pritam/Priti, 27, W.E.A. Karol Bagh, Delhi. You have decided to shift your residence to Faridabad and hence decided to discontinue your membership of Brain Trust Library, Karol Bagh. Write a letter to the Librarian, requesting him to cancel your membership and refund your security deposit of Wive thousand explaining your inability to continue your membership. (Delhi 2012)
27, W.E.A. Karol Bagh
1st October, 20xx
The Librarian Brain
Trust Library
Karol Bagh

Subject: Application of Discontinuation of Membership and Refund of Deposit

I have been a member of your library since the past five years. Now I have decided to shift my residence to Faridabad so it will not be possible for me to continue using your library facilities because of the distance factor between Karol Bagh and Faridabad. Hence I have decided to discontinue my membership. It is my request to you to cancel my membership and refund my security deposit of Wive thousand at the earliest.
I have returned all the books that I had issued earlier this month and all my accounts are clear. I would appreciate an early initiative
from your end as I am planning to shift within two weeks.

Yours sincerely

Question 29.
Write a letter to the Station Master, Anand, informing him about the loss of your suitcase which you realized only on alighting at Anand. You travelled by Navjivan Express from Chennai to Anand. You are Priya/Prasad of 12, Kasturi Bai Street, Chennai-20. (All India 2012)
12, Kasturi Bai Street
Chennai 20
18th April, 20xx
The Station Master
Subject: Reporting loss of Suitcase

I boarded the Navjivan Express from Chennai to Anand on 16th April, 20xx. On alighting at Anand I realized that I had lost my suitcase on board the train. 1 do not recall where exactly I misplaced it but I am sure I had boarded the train from Chennai with my suitcase. It is a grey coloured V.I.P. trolley and has a sticker with my name and address on it. I would be grateful for your cooperation in helping me to find my suitcase as it contains some very important documents, besides my clothes and toiletries. I do realise the inconvenience I am putting you through but I would appreciate prompt action from your end. Hoping to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Question 30.
As a parent, write a letter to the Principal, ABC School, Delhi, requesting him/her to grant your ward Akhil/Asha Arora, permission to attend the school two hours late for a month as he/she has to attend the coaching classes arranged by Sports Authority of India, on being selected for participation in National Swimming Championship. (All India 2012)
XYZ Colony Delhi
5th july, 20xx
The Principal ABC School Delhi
Subject: Request to permit Asha Arora to attend school late
Ma’ am,
My ward Asha Arora is a student of your school in class XII-A. I would like to request you to grant her permission to attend the school two hours late for one month from 7th july to 7th August, 20xx.

She has been selected to participate in the National Swimming Championship to be held in Delhi on 12th August, 20xx so she will have to attend the coaching classes arranged by the Sports Authority of India to prepare for this championship.

I am sure you will support her in her endeavour to do her State and school proud. I will ensure she is in school by 10.00 am during this period. We will be extremely grateful to you for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely
Mrs. Arora

Question 31.
You are Keshav/Karuna, living at 1, MG Road, Mysore. You wish to pursue your graduation course in engineering in USA. Write a letter to Sure Future Ltd., 3, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi, seeking the brochures on different universities in USA for various courses you can pursue and the qualifying examinations for admission in those universities. Mention your own qualifications and preferences for the course. (Comptt. Delhi 2012)
1 M.G. Road
20th May, 20xx
Sure Future Ltd.
3, Shahjahan Road
New Delhi

Subject: Seeking brochures on different universities in USA

I have appeared for my Sr. Sec. School examination in the science stream through the Central Board of Secondary Education. I now wish to pursue my graduation course in engineering in USA. So I am seeking the brochures of different universities in USA for various courses I can pursue and the qualifying examination that I need to clear for admission in those universities. Your agency has the reputation of guiding students who want to pursue higher studies in USA and I am sure through your invaluable and accurate guidance I will be able to get the desired information.

I would be extremely grateful for an early response from your end and hope to receive the brochures on different American Universities I am sending herewith a self-addressed and duly stamped envelope so that you can send me the brochures at the earliest.

Yours sincerely

Question 32.
You areay/Jaya, living at 1, MG Road, Krishna Nagar, Udupi. Though your locality is a decade old, drinking water supply and sewage connection have not been provided in your locality as yet. Write a letter to the Executive Engineer, Karnataka Water and Drainage Board, Division V, Udupi, about the problems faced by the residents seeking immediate action. (Comptt. All India 2012)
1 M.G. Road
Krishna Nagar
25th February, 20xx
The Executive Engineer
Karnataka Water and Drainage Board
Division V, Udipi
Subject: No drinking water and sewage connection to the decade-old locality

Through the medium of this letter I once again wish to bring to the notice of your department the problems faced by the residents of Krishna Nagar.
Our locality, Krishna Nagar on M.G. Road, is, as you must be aware a decade old colony and yet there is no drinking water supply and sewage connection in our locality. This is causing a lot of problem to all the residents who have been living in the most insanitary conditions for the past ten years. We are also spending thousands of rupees every month to buy drinking water from the market. Despite repeated pleas your department has turned a deaf ear to our woes.

This is yet another attempt to bring our problem to your notice and we sincerely hope that your department will take immediate action to solve our problem.

Yours sincerely

Question 33.
As a regular commuter by bus from Noida to Delhi, you have been witnessing rash driving by the bus drivers daily without an exception. Write a letter to the Editor, ‘The Times of India’ drawing the attention of the General Manager, Delhi Transport Corporation to this problem. You are Priti/Prakash, 15, Udyog Vihar, Noida. (Delhi 2013)
15, Udyog Vihar
1st October, 20xx
The Editor
The Times of India

Subject: Rash driving by bus drivers

Through the medium of the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the General Manager of the Delhi Transport Corporation towards the rash driving of bus drivers from Noida to Delhi.

I am a regular commuter from Noida to Delhi and have been witnessing rash driving by the bus drivers without an exception. These reckless drivers carelessly endanger the lives of so many people on a daily basis. They flout all traffic rules, ump red lights, do not adhere to speed limits etc. They need to be issued very stern warnings with immediate effect. The Delhi Transport Corporation needs to take stringent action against these drivers. Despite repeated pleas and warnings by various passengers, these drivers have turned a deaf ear to the passengers’ pleas and continue with their rash driving. The General Manager of the Delhi Transport Corporation needs to take immediate action and if required cancel the driving licences of non-compliant drivers.

I hope you will publish my letter in your esteemed newspaper so that this matter is brought to the attention of the concerned authority.

Yours sincerely

Question 34.
You are Kamini/Kamal of 10 Civil Lines Extension, Chanakyapuri, Agra. The main road leading to your locality has three open manholes causing frequent accidents at night, especially during the rainy season. Write a letter to the Editor, The Times of India drawing attention of the Municipal Commissioner to this problem of the residents. (Delhi 2013)
10, Civil Lines Extension
29thuly, 20xx
The Editor
The Times of India

Subject: The dangerous open manholes

Through the medium of the column of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the Municipal Commissioner to the problem the residents of our locality are facing due to three open manholes on the road leading to our locality.

These three manholes are hazardous for pedestrians Since they are on the main road leading to our locality, they cause frequent mishaps at night, especially during the ongoing rainy season. During the rainy season, waterlogging takes place on the road and then it becomes difficult to see an open manhole and the chances of life-threatening accidents are very high. Our request to the Municipal Commissioner is to ensure that the concerned authorities put a proper cover on the manholes to ensure safety of the residents.

I sincerely hope that you will publish this letter in your esteemed newspaper so that the attention of the Municipal Commissioner is drawn to our problem and he can ensure speedy action.

Yours sincerely

Question 35.
You have noticed many stray animals on the road during the busy hours of the day. These animals cause traffic jams as well as accidents. You have already written to the concerned authorities but no action has been taken so far. Write a letter to the Editor, The Hindu, drawing attention of the Municipal Commissioner, Chennai. You are Shantha/ Suresh, 12 M.G. Road, Chennai. (Delhi 2013)
12, M.G. Road
1st October, 20xx
The Editor
The Hindu Chennai

Subject: Nuisance of stray animals on the road during busy hours

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to express my concern over the increasing number of stray animals on the road during busy hours of the day.

I have already written to the concerned authorities but no action has been taken so far. So, through your newspaper, I now wish to draw the attention of the Municipal Commissioner of Chennai to this problem. These stray animals cause traffic jams as well as accidents. The problem, specially of stray cattle on the road, has become a menace as they bring to a standstill the flow of traffic on the busy roads. They can be seen taking a nap anywhere, even in the middle of the road. Keeping in view the inconvenience being caused to commuters, I hope the Municipal Commissioner will not turn a deaf ear to this problem.

I also hope that you will publish my letter in your newspaper, so that this problem is dealt with urgently.

Yours sincerely

Question 36.
Recently you travelled from Bengaluru city to Vasco in Vasco Express. To your dismay, you found that the coach was infested with cockroaches. Write a letter to the Editor, ‘The Hindu’ drawing the attention of the General Manager, Southern Railways, to the prevailing unhygienic conditions and asking for remedial action. You are Saroj/Saran, 5/31 Bengaluru Cantt., Bengaluru. (All India)
5/31, Bengaluru Cantt
16th August, 20xx
The Editor
The Hindu Bengaluru

Subject: Complaint against a cockroach-infested coach in Vasco Express

Through the medium of the esteemed columns of your newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the General Manager, Southern Railways to the prevailing unhygienic conditions in a coach of Vasco Express.

Recently, while I was travelling from Bengaluru city to Vasco in the Vasco Express, I found, to my utter dismay, that the coach was infested with cockroaches. I am sure you will understand that not only how unhygienic but also how disgusting and creepy the sight of so many cockroaches can be. Some of my co-passengers, especially children, were frightened out of their wits. The unclean toilets, stained bedsheets and blankets and garbage strewn everywhere -only added to our horror. I sincerely hope that after reading this the Railway authorities will take immediate remedial action so that passengers do not have to undergo this horrific nightmare every time they board the train.

I hope you will publish my letter in your esteemed newspaper so that the concerned personnel can instruct and ensure immediate corrective action.

Yours sincerely

Question 37.
Recently you travelled in a State Transport bus from Chennai to Thiruvallavur and to your shock air-conditioning in this coach was not working properly. The quality of the maintenance of the bus was also not good. All the way you spent time in unbearable heat. Write a letter to the Editor, ‘The Hindu’, drawing the attention of the General Manager (Maintenance) for taking action in this matter. You are Hema/Ganesh, 25, Avadi, Chennai. (All India 2013)
25, Avadi Chennai
11th june, 20xx
The Editor
The Hindu Chennai

Subject: Pathetic condition of State Transport buses

Through the medium of the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the General Manager (Maintenance), State Transport, at the poor maintenance of the State Transport buses.

Last week I travelled in a State Transport bus from Chennai to Thiruvallavur and I was in for a shock as the air-conditioning of this so-called air-conditioned bus was not working.

Moreover, the quality of the maintenance of the bus was also rather poor. I had to spend my entire journey of about eight hours in unbearable heat. It is most unfair on the part of the Transport Department to charge high fares for air-conditioned buses and then to make passengers take journey which is an ordeal. Regular inspection of the buses must take place and a strict warning should be issued to the bus drivers and owners by the transport department. Immediate action should be initiated to ensure good maintenance of these buses.

I hope you will publish my letter in your esteemed newspaper so that the concerned personnel take remedial action to ensure the convenience of the bus passengers.

Yours sincerely

Question 38.
Games and Sports are not given so much importance in the country as is given to academics. As a result of this our achievements in the international arena are not very spectacular. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily on the importance of sport and games and on the need to create awareness about it. You are Sunita/Sameer, 8/ 35, M.G. Road, Bengaluru. (All India 2013)
8/35, M.G. Road
22nd September, 20xx
The Editor
The Times

Subject: Games & Sports not given their due importance

Through the medium of the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to bring to the notice of the concerned authorities the need to give games and sports their due importance.

It is rather unfortunate that games and sports are not given as much importance in our country as academics by schools, colleges, parents and society in general. As a result of this, our sports achievements in the international arena are also not very spectacular. Our sportspersons always put up a poor performance in the major international sports events. In our country, we lay a lot of importance on academics and children are so stressed out because of this that they cannot pursue their passion for sports beyond a certain stage. Sports and games are extremely important for the physical, mental and emotional well being of an individual. Sports inculcate the values of team spirit, leadership, cooperation and perseverance.

We need to review our education system and create awareness about the importance of sports and games. The government should allocate resources for the development of quality sports infrastructure and also provide incentives and special quotas to sportspersons to encourage people to take up sports as a profession.

I hope you will publish my letter in your esteemed newspaper so that this issue is brought to the notice of all people.

Yours sincerely

Question 39.
After passing the secondary school examination, a candidate has to make a very difficult choice from a number of streams available to him for, further study at the senior school level. There is no valid mechanism to assess the suitability of a candidate for a particular stream. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily emphasizing the need of educational counsellors for guidance in this matter in each school. You are Vinita/Vinay, 48, Agra Fort, Agra. (All India 2013)
48, Agra Fort Agra
18th March, 20xx
The Editor
The Times of India

Subject: Need to have educational counsellors for guidance of students

Through the medium of the column of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to emphasize the need of having educational counsellors in each school for students who pass the secondary school examination.

After passing the secondary school examination, a candidate has to make a very difficult choice from a number of streams available to him at the senior school level. There is no valid mechanism to assess the candidate’s suitability for a particular stream. So the candidate gets extremely confused and feels rather unsure of the stream that he should choose. Often students make wrong choices due to parental, societal and peer pressure.
If it is made mandatory for all schools to appoint educational counsellors it will prove very beneficial for the students and their parents. It will be easy for them to choose the stream they want to pursue at the senior school level.

I hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper so that the matter is brought to the notice of the concerned authorities and they can initiate immediate action to help the students.

Yours sincerely

Question 40.
You are Nalini/Vishal, Hostel Warden, Zenith Public School, Kosikalan. Write a letter to the Sales Manager, Bharat Electronics and Domestic Appliances Limited, New Delhi, placing an order for a few fans, microwave ovens and geysers that you wish to purchase for the hostel. Also ask for the discount permissible on the purchase. (Delhi 2013)
Zenith Public School
31st October, 20xx
Sales Manager
Bharat Electronics & Domestic Appliances Ltd.
New Delhi

Subject: Placing Order for electrical appliances

We are glad to inform you that your offer to supply electrical appliances has been accepted by our school management. We are herewith placing our first order and request you to deliver the following appliances at the earliest. Payment for these will be made by an Account Payee Cheque within a week of delivery. Please ensure that the appliances are as per our specifications.

We hope that you will adhere to the discount that you had mentioned in the quotation letter.
Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Q40

Yours sincerely
Hostel warden

Question 41.
Due to insanitary conditions in the colony, the population of rodents has been multiplying exposing the residents to multiple diseases. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner bringing the problem to his notice and urging him to take urgent action in the matter. You are Suraj/ Supriya, 12 M.G. Road, Chennai. (All India 2013)
12, M.G. Road
26th April, 20xx
The Municipal Commissioner

Subject: Rodent menace due to insanitary conditions in ABC Colony

Through the medium of this letter I wish to bring to your notice the insanitary conditions prevailing in ABC Colony due to which the rodent population has been on a rise.

In the absence of proper management, the sanitation in our colony has become a storehouse of filth and dirt. The streets remain unswept for days together and rubbish is gathered in heaps at street corners. Drains too remain unclean for quite a long time. Due to these insanitary conditions the population of rodents has been multiplying thus exposing the residents to multiple diseases.

On behalf of the residents of our colony, I would like to request you to take urgent action in the matter before these insanitary conditions combined with an increased rodent population becomes a serious health hazard for the residents. A better monitoring system is urgently required wherein routine inspection of the sanitary conditions in various colonies is carried by the municipal committee.

We would be grateful if you would look into this matter personally and initiate the necessary sanitary arrangements immediately.

Yours sincerely

Question 42.
You are the librarian of Amla Public School. You had placed an order for textbooks with Dhanpati & Sons. Since the books did not arrive on time, you have decided to cancel the order. Write a letter to the Manager, Dhanpati & Sons, Chennai, cancelling the order. (Delhi 2014)
Amla Public School Delhi
29thuly, 20xx
The Manager Dhanpati & Sons

Subject: Cancellation of the order for books.

It is hereby once again brought to your notice that the order our school had placed, for the supply of class X and XII textbooks and reference books for the current academic session, has not been received. It has been almost two months since we placed the order and have been repeatedly sending reminders to your publishing house. Now, since the delivery of the books has been delayed to a point where it is bound to hamper students who require these books, we are forced to cancel our order with immediate effect. It is rather unfortunate but we are left with no choice in this matter. Kindly refund the amount we had remitted to you as advance payment for the books.

Yours sincerely
ABC (Librarian)

You are interested in doing a short-term course in computer graphics during your holidays. Write a letter to the Director, Easy Computers, enquiring about their short-term courses and asking for all the necessary details. You are Naresh/Nandini. (Delhi 2014)
ABC Lane
XYZ City
20th May, 20xx
The Director Easy Computers

I am a student of class XI and am interested in pursuing a short-term course in computer graphics during the upcoming summer holidays. As very little information is available about this course, I would be grateful if you could send me brochures/pamphlets with information about your short-term computer graphics course.

Please forward to me the following details regarding this course at the earliest:

1. Duration of the course
2. Commencement Date
3. Course Fee
4. Any other relevant information related to the course.

Awaiting an early response from your end.

Yours sincerely

Question 44.
You are the Physical Education Instructor of All Saints School. You had placed an order for sports goods with Bat and Ball Enterprises. When the items arrived you found that some of them were defective. Write a letter to the Manager, Bat and Ball Enterprises, asking him to replace the defective items. (Delhi 2014)
All Saints School Delhi
5thuly, 20xx
The Manager Bat and Ball Enterprises

Subject: Letter of complaint against defective sports items.

It is hereby brought to your knowledge that in the last lot of sports items sent by your company to our school, received on the 3rd ofuly, some of the items were defective. The Packaging Department of your company has done a rather irresponsible on due to which five of the bats are broken, seven badminton and six lawn tennis rackets have been found as damaged. Since the cause of damage is negligent packaging at your end, you will need to replace the defective items at the earliest. It is my request to you to send the replacement for the above-mentioned sports items without delay. We have been dealing with your company for the past five years and would like to continue our association for a long time. So we await prompt replacement of the defective sports items from your end.

Yours sincerely
(Physical Education Instructor)

Question 45.
You live in a crowded area in Mumbai. Unauthorized parking of vehicles in your area is causing a lot of inconvenience to the locals. Write a letter to the Police Commissioner of the District complaining against this practice. You are Rohan/Rohini of Sakinaka, Mumbai. (Delhi 2014)
1st October, 20xx
The Police Commissioner
Sakinaka District

Subject: Inconvenience caused by unauthorized parking.

Through the medium of this letter I would like to bring to your notice a problem that is causing a lot of inconvenience to the locals. Unauthorized parking of vehicles in the Sakinaka area is a source of major inconvenience to the locals. Due to this there is no parking space for the residents. Besides there are major traffic congestions Adams which many a time lead to fights and even accidents. Despite our repeated complaints to the local police authorities, there has been no respite for the residents. It is our request to you now to take immediate action in this regard so that we are able to get a reprieve from this daily inconvenience. We sincerely hope you will look into this matter urgently and take up steps to decongest our area.
Looking forward to prompting action from your end.

Yours sincerely

Question 46.
You are Ananc Arti of 14, Model Town, Delhi. You have seen an advertisement in The Hindu for the post of Chief Chef in a 5-Star Hotel. Apply for the job with complete biodata. Write in 125-150 words. (All India 2014)
14, Model Town
22nd September, 20xx
The Advertiser
The Hindu

Subject: Application for the post of Chief Chef

This is in response to your advertisement in ‘The Hindu’ dated 20th September, 20xx for the post of Chief Chef in your 5-Star Hotel.

I wish to apply for this post.

Attached herewith is my brief resume. I would be grateful if I am considered for the above-mentioned post in your reputed hotel.
Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Q46

If the above-mentioned particulars suit your requirement, I would be too happy to appear for a personal interview.

Yours sincerely

Question 47.
You are Prem/Parul of 16, TT Nagar, Bhopal. You would like to apply for the post of Marketing Manager in a reputed firm in Mumbai. Write a letter to the Public Relations Officer, Chantal Enterprises, Mumbai, applying for the job. Write the letter in 125150 words giving your biodata. (All India 2014)
16, TT Nagar
7th March, 20xx
The Public Relations Officer
Chantal Enterprises

Subject: Application for the post of Marketing Manager

Through the medium of this letter I would like to apply for the post of Marketing Manager of your reputed firm.

Attached herewith is my brief bio-data and I would be too happy if I am considered for the above-mentioned post in your firm.

Your sincerely

Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Q47

Question 48.
You are Arman/Arpita of 14, MG Road, Pune. You had bought the textbook, ‘Vistas’ for Class XII from a neighbourhood bookstore. After browsing through the book, you realized that a few pages were missing and the print overlapped on a few pages. Write a complaint letter in 125-150 words to the Manager, Dawn Books, Lawrence Road, Chennai requesting him for a replacement or refund. (All India 2014)
14, MG Road
22nd April, 20xx
The Manager
Dawn Books
Lawrence Road

Subject: Letter of complaint over missing pages in book.

I had bought the text book ‘Vistas’ for class XII from a neighbourhood book store last week. After browsing through the book, I realized that a few pages (numbered 61-76) were missing from the book and the print overlapped on a few pages. It will not be possible for me to retain this book. So it is my request to you to either replace the book that I am enclosing with this letter or to send me a refund for the book. I hope to receive a reply from your end soon as my academic session has already started and I need this text book urgently. Awaiting prompt action so that I am not inconvenienced any further.

Thank you
Yours sincerely

Question 49.
You had bought an expensive wrist watch last week. Now you realize that it is not functioning properly. Write a letter in 125-150 words to the Manager, Edison Watch Works, New Delhi, complaining about it and requesting him to repair or replace it immediately. You are Gobind/Gopa of 68, Park Street, Kolkata. (All India 2014)
68, Park Street
29thuly, 20xx
The Manager Edison
Watch Works New Delhi

Subject: Letter of complaint regarding wristwatch.

I had bought a wristwatch from your showroom on 5thuly 20xx vide bill no.

1234 I had paid? 10,800 for this ‘Guess’ wristwatch. But to my utter dismay, I have realized that it is not functioning properly. Despite my setting the time it slows down and does not keep the correct time. Since the watch is very much in its warranty period, it is my request to you to repair or replace it immediately. I am sure that a reputed showroom like yours would take prompt action in ensuring to do whatever is best in the interest of the customers. Awaiting an early response from your end.

Yours sincerely

Question 50.
Recently you went to your native village to visit your grandparents. You saw that some of the children in the age group 5-14 (the age at which they should have been at school) remained at home, were working in the fields or simply loitering in the streets.

Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a national daily analyzing the problem and offering solutions to it. You are Navtej/ Navita, M-114 Mount Kailash, Kanpur. (Delhi 2014)
M-114 Mount Kailash
18th April, 20xx
The Editor
The Daily Times

Subject: Problem of child illiteracy

Through the medium of your esteemed newspaper I would like to express my concern over the problem of child illiteracy in rural India.

Recently on my visit to my native village I saw that some of the children in the age group of 514 years were either working in the fields or simply loitering in the streets. These children are missing out on valuable formal education. It is most unfortunate that despite various incentives by the government to provide education to children they are still not encouraged to go to school. The general attitude of parents, elders and children in the villages is one of indifference and disinterest. There is no motivation for rural child to go to school.

The government, NGOs and all citizens, in general, need to put in combined efforts to ensure that more children are formally educated in rural areas. There is no single solution to this problem. It needs to be addressed in multiple steps and at various levels.

Emphasis should be laid on skill development and children should be provided free meals, books and uniforms as an incentive to go to school. It is easy to sit in the comforts of our homes and crib about the lack of literacy among children and how our government is inefficient. Maybe if we all actually start making efforts, things can really change for the better.

I hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper so that the citizens of India can take more concrete efforts to ensure that children of rural India are educated.

Yours sincerely

Question 51.
When cricket teams go abroad the members are allowed to take their wives, even friends along with them. Does this fact distract them or help them to focus on their game in a better way? If it is good, why don’t we allow our athletes to enjoy the same privilege?

Write a letter to the editor of a national daily in 120-150 words giving your views on the issue. You are Navtej/Navita, M-114 Mount Kailash, Kanpur. (Delhi 2014)
M-114 Mount Kailash
1st October, 20xx
The Editor
The National Daily

Subject: Should players be allowed to take their wives on tours

Through the medium of this letter I would like to reflect on the cricket board’s compliance that the players can take their wives, even friends along with them when they go abroad for a tournament. Does this fact distract the players or help them focus on their game in a better way?

The cricket board does not think this affects the performance of the player. It may be argued that wives and friends act as distractions and players may lose focus. However, having a spouse along is a source of emotional support. Presence of family helps in over-coming homesickness and keeps the players stress-free in pressure matches.

It all depends on the player. Once he is playing for the country, he has to give his 100 per cent. If the cricket board thinks this is good why are our athletes not allowed to enjoy the same privilege? All our players are mature enough; and till now we have seen good performance by the players who have been accompanied by their spouses. A few incidences cannot overview the past brilliant games won with the spouse attending the game in the spectator’s row. Expenditure on the travel and stay of their spouse is again a winning strategy to boost-up the spirit of the players. It is now high time we allow this privilege to our athletes as well.

I hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper so that it draws the attention of the Athletics Federation of India and they too consider to allow the athletes this privilege.

Yours sincerely

Question 52.
You are Navtej/Navita, Secretary, Environment Club, Akash Public School, Agra. You, along with a group of students, went on a 3-day tour through Corbett National Park. You found how the tourists abuse the available facilities and thus endanger the environment. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a national daily! highlighting the situation.

Suggest ways through which the environment) of the Park can be saved. (All India 2014)
Akash Public School Agra
23rd March, 20xx
The Editor
The Daily Times

Subject: Endangering of the environment by tourists in National Parks

Through the medium of your esteemed newspaper I would like to express my concern on how the tourists are abusing the available facilities and thus endangering the environment of the Corbett National Park.

Our group of about 40 students had gone on a 3-day tour through Corbett National Park. On our visit we saw the tourists, callous attitude towards the available facilities in the park. It was most unfortunate to see that tourists do not adhere to the rules of carrying a litter bag and leave their non-biodegradable garbage like plastic bottles, metal foils etc. inside the park. Moreover, actions such as trampling vegetation, parking in areas that are not designed for parking add to the destruction of the land. All these things are likely to endanger the environment.

I strongly feel that the authorities should take stringent action against the defaulters who display such a casual attitude towards the environment. Heavy fines and even penalties should be imposed on them so that these act as major deterrents for all tourists to use and not misuse the available facilities. Educating tourists on this sensitive issue and limiting the number of tourists and vehicles in these national parks may help in preventing further degradation of such parks.

I hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper so that tourists as will as the concerned authorities change their attitude and work along to conserve the National Parks of our country.

Yours sincerely

Question 53.
On Teacher’s Day, you read in a newspaper that privately owned and managed schools in small towns or even in the suburbs of metropolitan cities exploit their teachers by paying themust a fraction of their authorised salaries. This affects their performance in the classroom and thus the lives of their students. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a national daily raising your voice against such exploitation. Suggest ways to solve this problem. You are Navtej/Navita, 112 Ta Road, Agra. (All India 2014)
1.12 Ta Road
18th April, 20xx
The Editor
The Daily Times

Subject: Exploitation of teachers by giving them less than authorised salaries

Through the medium of your esteemed newspaper I would like to raise my voice against exploitation of teachers who are paid a mere fraction of their authorised salaries. Recently I read in a newspaper that privately owned and managed schools in small towns or even in the suburbs of metropolitan cities exploit their teachers by paying them meagerly. This to . a very large extent affects their efficiency and performance in the classroom and thus also affects the lives of the students. Underpaid teachers are usually demotivated and lose interest in their jobs. Low salaries result incompetent teachers leaving their jobs in search of better pays.

Pay structure is potentially a very important incentive tool in the hands of the education policymakers and this needs to be implemented fairly in all schools. The policymakers need to view this problem with grave concern and find ways to solve it. Schools which do not pay the teachers according to the scales should have their accreditation cancelled by the CBSE and their recognition cancelled by the government. By implementing these suggestions with precision and strictness, exploitation of teachers can surely be dealt with in a very positive way and the injustice against them can be tackled.

I hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper so that the concerned authorities can take up steps to remedy this exploitation against teachers.

Yours sincerely

Question 54.
You are Ketan Panday of 63, Civil Lines, Delhi. You saw an advertisement in The Hindu for the post of accountant in a reputed firm. Write an application in 120-150 words to the area manager of Gayatri Consultants, 2, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi, giving your detailed biodata. (Comptt. Delhi 2014)
63, Civil Lines
17thanuary, 20xx
The Area Manager
Gayatri Consultants
2, Barakhamba Road,
New Delhi

Subject: Application for the post of accountant.

This is in response to your advertisement in ‘The Hindu’ dated 16thanuary, 20xx for the post of accountant in your consultancy firm. I wish to apply for the same.

Attached herewith is my ‘Biodata’ and I would be too happy if I am considered for the above- mentioned post in your esteemed and reputed organisation.

Yours sincerely
Ketan Pandey

Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Q54

Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Q54.1

Question 55.
You are Ravikant, sports teacher of Sunshine Public School, Karol Bagh, Delhi. A month ago you placed an order for the supply of a few sports goods. So far you have not received the goods. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Sales Manager, Olympic Sports, F-12, Darya Ganj, Delhi requesting a speedy delivery of the goods. (Comptt. Delhi 2014)
Sunshine Public School
Karol Bagh,
1st October, 20xx
Sales Manager
Olympic Sports
F-12, Darya Ganj,

Subject: Delay in delivery of sports goods.

It is hereby brought to your notice that we had placed an order for the supply of a few sports items for our school vide order no. 1229/2015 on 5th September, 20xx. Your company had assured us the delivery of the same within two weeks. Now it is more than three weeks and we have not received the sports items. We request you to now ensure a speedy delivery of the goods failing which we will be forced to cancel our order with your firm. Hoping for a positive response from your end at the earliest in keeping with the good reputation your firm has earned over the years.

Yours sincerely
Sports Teacher

Question 56.
You are Ramesh Kumar, librarian of Aryamba Public School, Fort Road, Kochi. Write a letter in 120-150 words to Academic Book Centre, Mount Road, Chennai, placing an order for books you need for the library. Ask for a discount and a quick delivery of the books. (Comptt. Delhi 2014)
Aryamba Public School Fort Road,
7th August, 20xx
Academic Book Centre
Mount Road, Chennai

We would like to inform you that your offer to supply books to our library has been accepted by the Management of our school. We are herewith placing our first order and request you to deliver these books at the earliest as we require them urgently. The payment for these books will be made by an account payee cheque immediately after we receive the books. Please mention the discounts available on the purchase.
Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Q56
Awaiting an early delivery of the above books.

Yours sincerely
Ramesh Kumar

Question 57.
You are Arun/Arti 12, Raja Road, Kanpur. You had ordered Ram Book Depot, 4 Mall Road, Delhi for the supply of two books. You wanted to give them as a gift to a friend of yours. On receiving them you were disappointed to find that the books were damaged. Write a complaint letter in 120-150 words to the Manager, about your problem. (Comptt. All India 2014)
12, Raja Road
26th April, 20xx
The Manager
Ram Book Depot
4, Mall Road, Delhi

Subject: Complaint against receiving damaged books.

Through the medium of this letter I would like to bring to your notice my complaint of receiving damaged books. I had ordered two books from you from the Harry Potter series on 18th April, 20xx, the payment for which I had made by a Demand Draft. I wanted to gift these books to my friend on her birthday. On receiving the books yesterday I was extremely disappointed to see their pathetic condition.

The cover pages of the books were damaged and the pages too were turned and untidy. My friend’s birthday is on the 30th of April and I cannot present these damaged books to her. So I request you to send me new packs of both the books at the earliest. I am also sending back the damaged books to you. Awaiting a favourable response and prompt delivery of the new books.

Yours sincerely

Question 58.
You are interested in doing a course in fashion design. For this you want to join NIFT. NIFT holds a competitive examination for admission. Sapphire Academy, Dadar, Mumbai gives coaching for the admission test. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Director, Sapphire Academy requesting him to provide you with all the necessary information. You are Karan/Kirti, 48 Fort Apartments, Pune. (Comptt. All India 2014)
48, Fort Apartments
18th March, 20xx
The Director
Sapphire Academy
Dadar, Mumbai

Subject: Information about coaching for admission to NIFT.

I have just appeared for my Class XII CBSE Examination after which I want to join NIFT. I would like to join the coaching classes offered by your academy for the NIFT competitive examination for admission. I would be grateful if you could provide me the following information for admission:
(i) Courses offered by NIFT
(ii) Procedure for admission and Eligibility Criteria
(iii) Duration of Coaching classes offered by your academy
(iv) Course fee (both for NIFT and your academy)
(v) Any other relevant information

I am extremely keen to join NIFT and would appreciate if you could forward me all the necessary information related to the institute and your academy. Awaiting an early response from your end.

Yours sincerely

Question 59.
The drinking water supplied to your locality Anandlok Colony, Kanpur has a dirty colour 84 and foul smell. As secretary of the Residents Welfare Association, write a letter in 120-150 words to the Chief Engineer, Water Authority, Kanpur complaining about the problem and requesting him to take necessary action at the earliest. (Comptt. All India 2014)
Anand Lok Colony
29th july, 20xx
Chief Engineer Water Authority,

Subject: Complaint against dirty colour and foul smell of drinking water.

In the capacity of the Secretary of the Residents’ Welfare Association, I would like to draw your attention to the dirty colour and foul smell of drinking water that is being supplied to our locality, Anandlok Colony.

Since the past three weeks the drinking water that is being supplied to our colony is very dirty and has a foul smell. It is not even suitable for cleaning and washing purpose. We have been buying drinking water and paying water tankers to supply water to us for three weeks now. Despite repeated complaints to the Water Authority no action has been taken so far. This problem has become a serious issue which is bound to take a toll on our health and our pockets. I hope you will consider this problem seriously and give it top priority.

We request you to take strict and immediate action in this matter and hope to get a favourable response from your end at the earliest.

Yours sincerely

Secretary, Residents Welfare Association

Question 60.
You would like to join NDA coaching classes. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Director Model Coaching Centre, Andheri, Mumbai to enquire about the coaching classes for the next examination. Ask for all necessary details. You are Sunita/Suraj, 4 Grant Road, Dadar. (Comptt. All India 2014)
4, Grant Road,
26th April, 20xx
The Director
Model Coaching Centre,

Subject: Enquiry about coaching classes for the next examination.

I have just appeared for my class XII CBSE Examination and am now interested in joining the NDA. For that I would like to enrol in the NDA coaching classes offered by your institute. So I request you to forward me the following details regarding the course and the coaching classes:

  1. Procedure of admission to NDA.
  2. Eligibility Criteria.
  3. Date of commencement of coaching classes.
  4. Duration of coaching classes.
  5. Fees charged by your institute.
  6. Any other relevant information.

I am extremely keen to join the NDA and would appreciate if you could forward me all the relevant information related to your institute. Awaiting an early response from your end.

Yours sincerely

Question 61.
Lack ofob opportunities in the rural areas is forcing people to migrate to cities. Every big city thus has a number of slums in it. Life in these slums is miserable. Write a letter in 120150 words to the editor of a national newspaper on how we can improve the living conditions in these slums. You are Karan/ Karuna, M 114, Mall Road, Delhi. (Delhi 2016)
M 114, Mall Road Delhi
18th April, 20xx
The Editor
The Times of India

Subject: Suggestions to improve the living conditions in slums

Through the medium of the column of your esteemed newspaper I would like to express my concern over the miserable condition of slums which have come up in every big city and give suggestions to improve the living conditions in these slums.

Lack ofob opportunities in the rural areas has forced people to migrate to cities. Every big city has a number of slums wherein the living conditions are most pathetic and unhygienic. Slums lack basic sanitation services, supply of clean water, reliable electricity, schools, dispensaries and other basic services. The Municipal Corporations seem to have turned a blind eye towards the improvement of slums.

Urgent steps need to be initiated to better the living conditions in the slums. The government needs to strengthen the capacity of NGOs to engage with local authorities and other service providers for the sustainable provision of basic services in slums whereby slum dwellers are provided access to clean water, improved sanitation and waste management services. Moreover income-generation activities should be supported and community-managed schemes should be developed to enable slum dwellers to secure funds for the improvement of physical facilities.

I sincerely hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper so that the concerned authorities awaken to improving the lives of the lakhs of people living in the slums.

Yours sincerely

Check the Biodata for marriage also here.

Question 62.
Along with air and water pollution, our cities are also under an attack of noise pollution. Marriage processions, DJs during wedding receptions, loud music from neighbourhood flats etc. are all sources of noise which is not good for the old, the ailing and students. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a local newspaper describing the problem and making a request to the concerned authorities to solve it. You are Karan/Karuna, M114, Mall Road, Delhi. (All India 2016)
M 114, Mall Road
7th March, 20xx
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject: Problem of noise pollution

Through the medium of the columns of your esteemed newspaper I would like to express my concern over the problem of noise pollution causing havoc in our daily lives.

Besides air and water pollution, our cities are also under an attack of noise pollution. Marriage processions, DJs during weddings, loud music are all sources of noise especially troublesome for senior citizens, ailing people and students. Another major source of loud and unwanted sounds nowadays is unplanned urban development and construction. The increasing levels of noise pollution have created the urgent need of general awareness about its sources, effects and preventive measures. Noise pollution has adverse effects on human health and behaviour.

Increased levels of noise may cause damage to psychological health, hypertension and stress, hearing loss, disturbed sleep, etc. Some stringent measures need to be adopted by the concerned authorities to solve the problem of noise pollution. Public awareness needs to be created and people should be made to realize its harmful consequences. Proper regulations need to be enforced on the use of loudspeakers beyond a certain volume and time. The concerned authorities need to take up adequate measures to ensure that noise-related restrictions are not violated.

I hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper so that the concerned authorities take stringent measures to curb the problem of noise pollution without further delay.

Yours sincerely

Question 63.
It gives you a good feeling when you read in the newspapers how patients from abroad come to hospitals in India and get themselves treated at a fraction of expenses they will have incurred elsewhere. Write a letter in 120150 words to the editor of a national daily describing the importance of medical tourism for India. You are Karan/Karuna M 114, Mall Road, Kanpur. (All India 2016)
M 114, Mall Road
22nd September, 20xx
The Editor
The National Daily

Subject: Importance of Medical Tourism for India

Through the medium of the columns of your esteemed newspaper I would like to describe the importance of medical tourism for India.

It gives us pleasure when we read in the newspapers how patients from abroad come to hospitals in India and get themselves treated at a fraction of expenses they would have incurred elsewhere. All Indian hospitals have skilled physicians and nursing practitioners. The medical facilities provided in Indian hospitals are at par with the international standards but still cost less, not because of any compromises in quality but due to the favourable currency conversion rates and lower operating costs in India.

The Indian Government is taking steps to address infrastructure issues that might hinder the country’s growth in medical tourism. Hospitals have hired language translators for the comfort of patients from countries like Russia and Africa. The boom in medical tourism is helping the Indian economy in earning foreign exchange and has also improved relations with other countries. Acknowledging the significance of medical tourism in India, the Government is trying to increase the international tourist traffic by offering medical visas.

It is not a wonder that India is being promoted as a healthcare destination in ‘Incredible India campaign’ being run by the tourism industry. I hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper.

Your sincerely

Question 64.
Yesterday you went to Sunrise Hospital, Market Road, New Delhi taking with you the victim of a hit and run accident. There were chaotic conditions in the casualty department. The injured was attended to after a lot of precious time had been lost.

Write a letter of complaint in 120-150 words to the Medical Superintendent. You are Karan/ Karuna, M 114, Mall Road, Delhi. (Delhi 2016)
M 114, Mall Road
18th March, 20xx
Medical Superintendent Sunrise Hospital,
Market Road
New Delhi

Subject: Letter of complaint against chaotic conditions in casualty department

Through the medium of this letter I would like to bring to your notice the chaotic conditions prevailing in the casualty and emergency department of your hospital.

Yesterday, I had taken a victim of a hit and run accident who required immediate medical attention to the casualty and trauma ward of your hospital. To my horror, the conditions in the casualty department were extremely chaotic and disorganised. None of the on-call nurses and doctors seemed to know what to do. The injured person I had accompanied was writhing away in pain as his broken arm was left unattended for an agonising one hour. He was finally attended to but only after precious time had been lost. This delay in receiving the required medical help could have proved fatal for the victim.

This matter is of grave concern and requires the urgent attention of the hospital authorities as the casualty department cannot afford to show such incompetence with medical and other emergency cases coming in at any time.

I hope you will look into this matter immediately and ensure a smooth functioning of the casualty department.

Yours sincerely

Question 65.
Park Lane, Chanakyapuram, Mysore is proud of having four reputed public schools in close proximity to each other. In the morning and afternoon there is heavy traffic along the road and hundreds of students are put to a lot of inconveniences.

Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Deputy Commissioner of Police (Traffic) describing the problem. Suggest a few measures to regulate the traffic. You are Karuna Shetty / Karan Kumar, Principal, Sunrise Global School. (Delhi 2016)
Sunrise Global School
Park Lane, Chanakyapuri
7th March, 20xx
The Deputy Commissioner of Police (Traffic)

Subject: Heavy traffic congestion around schools in Park Lane.

As you are aware Park Lane, Chanakyapuram has four public schools in close proximity to each other. Through the medium of this letter I would like to bring your attention to the traffic situation that the children, staff and parents of these schools have been facing for the past two years.

In the morning and afternoon there is heavy traffic along the roads and hundreds of students are put through a lot of inconveniences. Commuting to and from school is extremely troublesome for the students and their parents who come to drop and pick them up. Despite our repeated complaints the authorities have turned a blind eye to our woes.

It is my earnest request and hope that you will take up immediate measures to regulate the flow of traffic in this area. Please ensure the presence of a traffic policeman in the morning and afternoon. The traffic light on this road also does not function properly making the situation worse. Heavy fines should be imposed on people who park their vehicles wrongly. A little initiative from your end can help to remedy this problem and save us from unnecessary inconvenience.

Awaiting a favourable response from your end at the earliest.

Yours sincerely
Karan Kumar

Question 66.
Write an application (including a resume’) in 120-150 words for the post of receptionist advertised in a national newspaper byKL Publishers, Peshwa Road, Pune. You are Karuna, M 114, Mall Road, Pune, a graduate from SNDT University and have done a Secretarial Practice Course from YWCA, Mumbai. (Delhi 2016)
M 114, Mall Road Pune
17th March, 20xx
KL Publishers
Peshwa Road

Subject: Application for the post of Receptionist

This is in response to your advertisement published in ‘The National Daily’ dated 15th March, 20xx for the post of receptionist in your publishing house.

I wish to put forth my application for the same. Attached herewith is my resume and I would be too happy if I am considered for the above-mentioned position in your company.

Thanking You

Yours sincerely

Enclosed: Resume for your reference.
Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Q66

Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Q66.1

Question 67.
In all big cities road rage has become a serious problem. A minor scratch, a little push, or a small brushing past can lead to a scuffle sometimes resulting even in murder. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Police Commissioner giving your views on the problem and its solutions. You are Karuna/ Karan, M 114, Mall Road, Delhi. (All India 2016)
M 114, Mall Road Delhi
29thuly, 20xx
The Police Commissioner
Delhi Police
New Delhi

Subject: Road rage has become a serious problem

Through the medium of this letter I would like to draw your attention and express my concern on the problem of road rage which has come to assume alarming proportions in big cities and has become a serious problem. Road rage is a grave issue on which there is need to concentrate and take necessary action. The increasing number of incidents of road rage should serve as a warning to the city’s administrators. People do not realize that aggressive driving is a traffic violation whereas road rage is a criminal offence.

A person who is not able to control his emotions and bullies another on the road does not deserve any leniency so merely imposing a fine is not enough. There must be fear of the consequences. Aggressive physical and verbal behaviour on the roads sometimes even ends up in murder in extreme cases. So, harsher implementation of law and stricter punishments are necessary to instil fear in people. Effective intervention by law enforcement agencies and more policing can help to bring the number of road rage cases down.

On the social front the public can be educated and encouraged to become polite drivers, follow traffic rules and regulations, avoid confrontations and keep the driving environment calm to avoid incidents of road rage.

I hope you will take a serious note of this grave problem and implement stringent and immediate measures to ensure its control.

Yours sincerely

Question 68.
You bought a flat from PQR Builders, Sector 55, NOIDA. Within a period of two months you have started facing a lot of problems like seepage in the walls and ceilings, wall paint peeling off, leaking sanitary fittings, lift getting stalled etc. Write a letter of complaint in 120-150 words to the Works Manager. You are Karuna/Karan, A9D Apoorva Apts., NOIDA. (All India 2016)
A9D, Apoorva Apts.
Sector 55, Noida
16th january, 20xx
The Works Manager
PQR Builders

Subject: Letter of complaint for problems in new flat

I moved into my flat that I had bought from your company in Apoorva Apartments, Sector. 55, Noida two months back. It is most unfortunate that within two months of moving into this brand new flat we have started facing a lot of problems.

There is problem of seepage in the walls and ceilings. The wall paint has started peeling off, there is leakage in the sanitary fittings and the lift gets stalled to name a few. Keeping in mind the reputation that your company enjoys in the market I had never imagined that a flat built by your reputed company would have such poor construction. The least you could do now is to rectify the faults at the earliest to avoid us further inconvenience.
I hope to hear from your end soon and also hope repair work is initiated at the earliest.

Yours sincerely

Question 69.
You are Shekhar/Shweta of 4, Balaji Road Kurnool, You bought LED lights (2 wall lights, 4 mirror lights and a panel light) from Indigo Lights a month ago. Many of the lights got fused within a month though the guarantee period is a year. Write a letter of complaint in 120-150 words to the Manager, Indigo Lights, Kurnool about your grievance asking him to do the needful immediately. (Comptt. Delhi 2016)
4, Balaji Road
17th January, 20xx
The Manager
Indigo Lights

Subject: Complaint against faulty LED lights

I had bought LED lights which include 2 wall lights, 4 mirror lights and a panel light from your showroom vide bill no. 1229 on 22nd December, 20xx. These lights were working satisfactorily till the last week after which one by one five of the lights got fused, that too within a month of buying them. The guarantee period for each light is one year as mentioned on the Bill. It is my request to you to replace these faulty lights at the earliest.

‘Indigo Lights’ enjoys a good reputation and has earned goodwill in the market, so I expect you to do the needful, keeping in mind the reputation of your showroom.

Yours sincerely

Question 70.
You are Deepak/Dhanya 14, Mall Road Kochi. You saw an advertisement put up by Excellent Coaching Centre which provides coaching for Medical Entrance Exam. As you are interested in enrolling yourself, write a letter in 120-150 words to the Director, Excellent Coaching Centre, Chennai requesting him to inform you about the necessary details. (Comptt. D 2016)
114, Mall Road
30thuly, 20xx
The Director
Excellent Coaching Centre

Subject: Information regarding enrolment for coaching of Medical Entrance Exam

This is in response to your advertisement in ‘The Daily News’ dated 29thuly, 20xx regarding coaching classes for Medical Entrance Exam.
I am appearing for my XIIth standard CBSE board papers next year and thereafter would like to appear for the Medical Entrance Exam. I am interested in enrolling myself for the medical entrance exam coaching classes given by your Centre.

I would be grateful if you could forward me the following information:
(i) Date of commencement of classes
(ii) Days and timings of classes
(iii) Course fee
(iv) Batch size
(v) Hostel facility
(vi) Any other relevant information

I am very keen tooin your coaching classes and will appreciate an early response from your end.

Yours sincerely

Question 71.
As owner of a stationery shop you received 20,000 notebooks of poor quality. Write a letter of complaint in 120-150 words to Mr. Khanna, proprietor of Green Glades Books Ambala rejecting the supply. Give reasons as to why you are returning the books. Ask him to take away the notebooks at his own cost. You are Ram Kumar, Sunrise Book Store, Patiala. (Comptt, All India 2016)
Sunrise Book Store
22nd December, 20xx
Mr. Khanna,
Proprietor Green Glades Books

Subject: Letter of complaint against poor quality of notebooks

I am the owner of Sunrise Book Store, a stationery shop in Patiala. We have received a supply of 20,000 notebooks from your end on 21st December against our Order no. 2051.

I regret to state that the notebooks received by us are of very poor quality. The pages are rough and tom and the quality of printing is also very poor. We are rejecting the supply of these notebooks and returning them. The freight for return of these notebooks will also be borne by you.

We hope you will arrange for the notebooks to be taken away latest within a week of receiving this letter to ensure that our future business relations with you are not adversely affected. Hoping to receive a positive response from your end at the earliest.

Yours sincerely
Ram Kumar

Question 72.
You are Rema, Head girl of Pragathi School, Trichur. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper in 120-150 words protesting against too many advertisements during television serials. (Comptt. All India 2016)
Pragathi School
17thanuary, 20xx
The Editor
The Daily News

Subject: Too many advertisements during television serials

Through the medium of the columns of your esteemed newspaper I wish to protest against the growing number of advertisements during television serials.

There are many good programmes that one wants to watch on T.V. but the interruption caused due to too many advertisements leads to loss of interest of the viewer, irritation and anger that finally leads to poor TRPs.

It is a known fact that advertising revenue is the life-blood of the media but there must be consideration for the viewers who are mainly responsible for low and high TRPs of a programme. A highly commercial attitude of the channel will certainly not go in its favour as far as viewership is concerned. It is my suggestion that only a limited number of advertisements should be telecast during serials and other programmes.

I hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper so as to enable the television channel management to take a serious note of this matter.

Yours sincerely
Head Girl Pragathi School

Question 73.
You are Aneya. 10, Station Road, Puri. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a local newspaper, complaining about the lack of street lights in your locality. Mention the problems faced by the people, especially ladies, as a result of poor lighting. (Comptt. All India 2016)
10, Station Road Puri
1st December, 20xx
The Editor
The Daily News

Subject: Complaint about lack of street lights on Station Road

Through the medium of the columns of your esteemed newspaper I would like to complain about the lack of street lights in our locality at Station Road.

I would like to apprise that our locality is inhabited by thousands of residents living in more than 1,000 flats on either side of the road. The electricity board has installed poles on the road to supply light but these poles have never been lit. During these days of winter, when it turns dark early, there is always an apprehension of an accident taking place because there is heavy traffic on the road round the clock.

Moreover, it is extremely risky for children, ladies and old people to venture out in the dark. It is a convenient invitation to miscreants. It is our request to the concerned authorities to ensure that the street lights are fixed and lit up without further delay so that the residents can carry out their daily activities without fear even during the evening.

I am sure if my letter is published in your esteemed newspaper, the authorities concerned will awaken from their slumber and our problem will be solved.

Yours sincerely

Question 74.
You are Ashu/Asha Arora, parent of a child studying in class V. Write a letter in 120-150 words to Principal Moonlight School, Bijapur sharing your concern regarding cases of ragging in the school. Give examples of children being ragged and suggest what could be done to prevent it. (Comptt. All India 2016)
ABC Lane Bijapur
26th April, 20xx
The Principal Moonlight School

Subject: Reporting cases of ragging in the school

My ward, Aakash Arora, is a student of your school studying in class V-B. I would like to bring to your notice and express my concern over cases of ragging occurring in the school, as one day Aakash came back with tom uniform as a result of ragging by some seniors.

I am very anxious and worried ever since and have recently heard about more such incidents from other parents. There is fear among the children and it is my request to you to take strict action against this problem. The harassed children need to be given moral support and the miscreants need to be dealt with strictly. The school should also arrange for their counselling and may I also suggest that the school authorities take the help of parents in tackling this problem at its root level.

Such cases need to be stopped to maintain the healthy environment of the school and I am sure you will deal with this problem with immediate effect.

Yours sincerely
Ashu Arora

Question 75.
In our society we do not give to our women the respect and status that they deserve. Women are stared at, stalked and even molested. We need to change the male mindset about women. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a national newspaper giving your views on the problem. You are Omar/Amna, A114 Mall Road, Delhi. (Delhi 2017)
A 114, Mall Road
25th February, 20xx
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject: Need to change male mindset about women

Through the medium of the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of our society towards not giving women the respect and status that is long overdue to them.

It is rather unfortunate that women are stared at, stalked and even molested. Crimes against women such as rape, molestation, eve-teasing have been steadily on the rise reflecting the need for greater gender sensitization. Women have been constantly fighting to assert their rights and against their gender disparity. Sadly, they have not been able to overcome this issue as they are fighting against males, some of whom do not want to change their dirty and perverted mindset. Offences against women are acts of regression to establish that they are considered secondary citizens. Empowerment of women is an irritant to the mindset of a patriarchal society.

So, we as a society, need to fight against this decadent patriarchal culture that is shaming our society. Laws are redundant if we as a society do not take the social responsibility towards safety and security of women.

I sincerely hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper so that our society awakens to give women the respect and status they deserve.

Yours sincerely

Question 76.
You want to spend a week-long holiday at Shimla in the month of October. You have decided to stay at Hotel Snow view. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the manager to book a room. Mention the dates, facilities in the room, food, sight-seeing facilities etc. you will need. You are Amar/Amrita M 114, Lake Road, Karnal. (Delhi 2017)
M 114, Lake Road
26th August, 20xx
The Manager
Hotel Snowview Mall Road

Subject: Booking for a week-long holiday from October 1st to 8th

We are a group of 18 boys and girls who want to spend a week-long holiday at Shimla in your hotel from 1st to 8th October, 20xx.

We would require 9 rooms on a twin-sharing basis inclusive of two meals, breakfast and dinner. We also require three deluxe AC cabs to take us to the various sight-seeing spots and the services of a tourist guide. I would be grateful if you could let us know the total cost of our stay along with all the facilities and services mentioned above so that we can confirm our booking in your hotel by sending an advance.

Awaiting an early response from your end.

Yours sincerely

Question 77.
Last month you purchased a TV set from Ram Electronics, Pushp Vihar, Ambala. It is not working properly (imagine a few defects). Write a letter of complaint in 120-150 words to the Manager asking for repair or replacement. You are Amar/Amrita, M 114 Model Town, Ambala. (Delhi 2017)
M 114, Model Town
16thanuary, 20xx
The Manager
Ram Electronics
Pushp Vihar

Subject: Complaint against the faulty TV set

I had purchased a TV set from your showroom vide Bill no. 2743 on 22nd December, 20xx. Not even a month has passed that it has started giving us trouble and is not working properly. While purchasing this LED TV which has the code 406 75 MT 42, I was assured it was the latest and the best model. But I have discovered that this is not true. The picture quality is blurred and the buttons on the remote control are also not working properly. I hereby request you to either ensure that these defects are rectified to our satisfaction or otherwise please replace this faulty TV set.

Ram Electronics enjoys a good reputation in the market, so I hope you will attend to my complaint at the earliest so that I am not further inconvenienced.

Your sincerely

Question 78.
You are living in a village along a national highway. The state roadways bus does not stop near your village. Write a letter in 120150 words to the General Manager, State Roadways requesting a bus stop for your village. Give all the reasons why you need a bus stop there. You are Omar/Amna, Gopalpur, Dist. Ramnagar. (Delhi 2017)
Dist. Ramnagar
25th February, 20xx
The General Manager
State Roadways

Subject: Request for a state roadways bus stop for our village

Our village Gopalpur is along National Highway No. 12 in district Ramnagar. The state roadways buses pass our village but do not stop here.

On behalf of the residents of our village it is my request to you that our village be provided with a bus stop. Many people from our village are daily commuters who work in district Ramnagar. It would be very convenient for them to have a bus stop in our village. As for now the nearest bus stop for state roadways buses is about five kilometres away from our village and it is rather difficult to get any public transport to reach our village. Moreover, safety of our villagers, is a major concern. As there are no streetlights, people have to walk back 5 kms in the dark to get back to the village.

Keeping these problems in mind, I sincerely hope that you will ensure our village gets a bus stop. Since our village is along the highway there will be no diversion of route for the state roadways buses. Awaiting an early response from your end.

Yours sincerely

Question 79.
You are Principal, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ramnagar, The number of students in the computer class is increasing. Next year starting in April 2017, you will need 25 more computers in your lab. Write a letter in 120150 words to the Commissioner, K.V. Sangathan for funds. (Delhi 2017)
Kendriya Vidyalaya
Ram Nagar
22nd December, 20xx
The Commissioner
K.V. Sangathan

Subject: Request for funds to buy 25 computers

It is heartening to see that the number of students in our computer classes has been on a rapid increase ever since we set-up the computer lab in our school in April, 2015.

For our next academic session, starting from April 2017 we need 25 more computers in our lab to cater to all the students who have opted for computer science.

It is my request to you to grant our school funds for the same to enable us to buy the required number of computers before the next session commences. I am sure you will understand our urgency to buy the computers before April 2017 and release the necessary funds accordingly.

Hoping to hear from your end at the earliest and thanking you in anticipation.

Your sincerely

Question 80.
You are Ashish/Nimmi Dhar B-94 Fort Road,ammu. You have read the advertisement given below. You are qualified for theob. Write an application in 120-150 words along with a resume. (Delhi 2017)

India Chemical Industries, Delhi
Accounts Officers
Qualification: B.Com
Experience: Minimum of 4 years
Job requirement:
Maintaining books of accounts,
preparation of Balance Sheet etc.
Salary: Best in the industry
Apply to: Managing Director, ICI
B-12, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi.

B-94 Fort Road
17thanuary, 20xx
The Managing Director, ICI
B-12, Barakhamba Road
New Delhi

Subject: Application for the post of Accounts Officer

This is in response to your advertisement in the Daily Times dated 15thanuary, 20xx for the post of Accounts Officers in your reputed firm. I wish to apply for the same.

Attached herewith is my brief resume and I would be too happy if I am considered for the above-mentioned position in your esteemed company.

Yours sincerely
Ashish Dhar

Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Q80

Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Q80.1

If my above particulars suit your job requirement I would be happy to come for a personal interview.

Thank you
Ashish Dhar

Question 81.
Mountview Public School, Kalka is run by an NGO to give quality education to the children of the deprived sections of society. The Principal of the school feels that blackboards in the classrooms need to be replaced. She decides to ask the chairperson of the NGO named ‘Education for All’ for funds. Write her letter in 120-150 words. Her name is Shweta Pandit. (All India)
Mountview Public School
18th April, 20xx
The Chairperson
‘Education for All’
Kalka Town Centre

Subject: Request for funds to replace classroom blackboards

Respected Madam
As you are aware our school is one of the many schools run by your NGO to provide quality education to the children of the deprived sections of society.

I am writing this letter to you to inform you about the deplorable condition of the blackboards in our classrooms which need to be replaced. They are in a pathetic state as they were installed when our school started, which is almost ten years ago. Now they need urgent replacement and it is my request to you to sanction us the required funds to replace the blackboards in 25 classrooms. I am enclosing herewith two of the best quotations we have received from our local stationery and blackboard vendors.

Hope to here from you at the earliest so that we can initiate the required action.

Yours sincerely
Shweta Pandit

Question 82.
National Book Trust organised a week-long book fair at Anna Grounds, Chennai. You visited the fair and bought a few books. You were pleased with the arrangements, enthusiasm of the visitors and the fact that books have not yet lost their relevance in the world of the Internet. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a local newspaper to express your feelings. You are Lalit/Latha, 112, Mount Road, Chennai. (All India 2017)
112, Mount Road
19th November, 20xx
The Editor
The Daily News

Subject: Commendable book fair by National Book Trust

Through the medium of the columns of your esteemed newspaper I would like to express my feelings and bring to the notice of the public certain facts regarding the recently concluded book fair at Anna Grounds.

National Book Trust had organised a week-long book fair from the 11th to 17th November at Anna Grounds. I visited the fair and even bought a few books. It was indeed a pleasure to see the well-organised book fair and it was evident that the organizers had taken all the required efforts to ensure the meticulous arrangements. It was also heartening to see the enthusiasm of the visitors whose large presence at the book fair was proof enough that despite the dominance of the world of the internet, books have not yet lost their relevance and value. It is commendable how parents were encouraging their children to visit various stalls and explore the different varieties of books on display. Books are still and will always remain the most compact and inexpensive way of gaining knowledge.

I hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper so that the importance of organising and visiting book fairs is reiterated.

Yours sincerely

Question 83.
There is a senior secondary school running right in the middle of Manu Vihar, a middle class colony full of housing society flats. In the morning as well as in the afternoon the road passing in front of the school is congested with school buses, mini buses, private cars, etc. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Dy. Commissioner (Traffic) to provide at least two traffic police constables to regulate the traffic. You are Gautam/Gita, A-21, Akashdeep Apartments, Manu Vihar, Delhi. (All India 2017)
A-21, Akashdeep Apartments
Manu Vihar
5th july, 20xx
The Dy. Commissioner (Traffic)
Delhi Traffic

Subject: Request for traffic police constables in Manu Vihar

On behalf of the residents of our colony, Manu Vihar, I would like to request you to provide at least two traffic police constables to regulate the traffic in our colony.

Our middle-class colony is full of housing society flats and there is a senior secondary school running right in the middle of our colony. In the morning as well as in the afternoon the road passing in front of the school is congested with school buses, minibuses, private cars etc. This causes majors leading to unnecessary delays and causes a lot of inconvenience to the residents.

So we would like to request you to provide at least two traffic police constables to regulate the traffic, especially in the morning and afternoon.
I hope to get a positive response from your end at the earliest so that this traffic menace and inconvenience being caused to the residents of Manu Vihar is lessened.

Thanking you
in anticipation.

Your sincerely

Question 84.
Sunshine Public School, Pune requires two sports coaches (one male and one female). Each should be a degree holder in physical education as well as an SAI certified coach in athletics. You have seen their advertisement and you know that you have these qualifications. Write an application in 120-150 words along with your resume. You are Praveen/ Praveena, M-114, Najafgarh, Delhi. (All India 2017)
M-114, Najafgarh
18th April, 20xx
The Principal
Sunshine Public School

Subject: Application for the post of sports coach (female)

This in response to your advertisement in ‘The Daily Times’ dated 16th April, 20xx for two sports coaches (one male and one female) for your esteemed institution.

I wish to apply as a female sports coach. Attached herewith is my brief resume and I would be too happy if I am considered for the above-mentioned position in your school.

Yours sincerely

Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Q84

If my above particulars suit your job requirement I would be happy to come for a personal interview.

Thank you

Question 85.
You are Ram/Rajani, a resident of Nagpur. You feel students should use the Internet mostly for gaining knowledge rather than wasting away time merely on entertainment. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Editor, ‘The Harbinger’, 9, Bund Marg, Hyderabad, pointing out how schools can control students’ net surfing at school and enable them to use internet fruitfully. (Comptt. Delhi 2017)
9, Bund Marg
19 November, 20xx
The Editor
The Harbinger

Subject: School’s role in ensuring fruitful internet usage among students

Through the medium of the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to express my concern about students wasting their precious time on the internet merely for entertainment and also point out how school authorities can control students’ netsurfing at school.

With the increasing internet usage in schools across the country it is imperative for schools to consider the responsibility of giving students guidance in becoming productive net-users. As internet services enter the classrooms and students are being exposed to the full range of what is available on the net, it should be in the domain of the school authorities to enable students to manage their capabilities in utilising the net for knowledge, learning skills, gaining information on any and every subject.

students should be counselled to function productively alongside distraction. They should be conditioned to think of this social media not only as escape medium to drown out other essential tasks but as something that can be integrated for gaining information and knowledge. There should be supervision for net-surfing in schools so that students do not waste away time using the internet merely for entertainment.

I hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper so that the school authorities take up measures to ensure fruitful usage of internet among students.

Your sincerely

Question 86.
You are Ram/Rajani, living at 1, Rana Pratap Marg, New Delhi. Read the advertisement given below and apply for the job that suits you giving your biodata separately. (Comptt. D 2017)

Sun University

Requires Lecturers in English and Demonstrators in Physics, Chemistry and Botany for their new Campus at Panipat. Candidates with a minimum of 5-year experience alone can apply. Excellent command of English is a must. Excellent package and compensation for experienced persons. Those interested may email to or mail their response to Box no 123. ‘The Harbinger’, New Delhi.

1, Rana Pratap Marg
New Delhi
25th February, 20xx
The Advertiser
Box No. 123
‘The Harbinger’
New Delhi

Subject: Application for post of lecturers in English

This is in response to your advertisement in ‘The Harbinger’, New Delhi dated 24th Feb., 20xx for the post of lecturers in English in your esteemed university’s new campus at Panipat.

I wish to apply for the same.

Attached herewith is my brief resume and I will be too happy if I am considered for the above-mentioned position in your institute. If my particulars suit the post requirement, I will be happy to come for a personal interview as per an appointed schedule.

Yours sincerely

Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Q86

Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Q86.1

Question 87.
You are Ram/Rajani, Librarian, Sun Public School, Nagpur. Write a letter in 120-150 words to Blossom Books Ltd., 9, Bund Marg, Hyderabad, placing an order for the books you require for your school library. Also ask about the discount allowed and the mode of payment. Insist on prompt delivery and good packing. (Comptt. All India 2017)
Sun Public School
29 july, 20XX
Blossom Books Ltd.
9, Bund Marg

Subject: Placing order for books for school library

We would like to inform you that your offer to supply books to our library has been accepted by the Management of our school. We are herewith placing our first order and request you to deliver these books at the earliest as we require them urgently. The payment for these books will be made by an account payee cheque immediately after we receive the books. Please mention the discounts clearly available on the purchase.
Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Q87

Letter Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Samples Q87.1

Awaiting an early response and delivery of the above books. We request you to ensure prompt delivery and good packing of books so as to avoid any undue hassles later.

Yours sincerely
Ram (Librarian)

Question 88.
You areay/Jaya, living at 1, MG Road, Trichy. You are very much concerned about the irregular supply of drinking water supplied through taps, which indirectly makes even low-income people spend a substantial amount every month on buying drinking water. Write a letter to the municipal authorities about the problem and the financial burden arising out of this issue, seeking immediate corrective measures. (Comptt. All India 2017)
1 M.G. Road
11th june, 20xx
The Director Municipal

Subject: Irregular Supply of Drinking Water

Through the medium of this letter I would like to draw the attention of the municipal authority to the problem of irregular drinking water supply which the residents of M.G. Road are facing. Since there is irregular supply of drinking water supplied through taps we are forced to spend a substantial amount of money every month on buying drinking water from the market. This undue but necessary expenditure is hard-hitting for people of the low-income group. They undergo a major financial burden arising out of this expenditure and the municipal authority has turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to their woes. I, once again, would like to request you to ensure immediate corrective measures wherein the residents get a regular supply of drinking water.

I hope you will take a serious view of this matter and implement corrective measures with immediate effect.

Yours sincerely

NCERT English for Class 12 Solutions

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