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Debate Writing Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Samples

Debate Writing Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Samples

♦ Format

  • Formal Address
  • Introduction: Against or For the motion
  • Arguments against or for the motion
  • Conclusion
  • Formal thanks

Marks will be awarded for:

  • Format: Formal Address + Formal Thanks
  • Content: (logical organization, relevance). Credit should be given for the candidate’s creativity in presenting his/her own ideas.
  • Expression: Accuracy, Grammatical, appropriate words & spelling Fluency, coherence and relevance of ideas and style

♦ Previous Years’ CBSE Examination Questions

♦ Very Long Answer Type Questions

Question  1.
The government has banned the use of animals in the laboratories for the purpose of dissection. Write a debate in 150-200 words\either for or against this decision. (All India 2015)
Learning zoology will never be the same. There will be no frog, mouse or guinea pig to dissect in laboratories. I, XYZ, support the government’s decision to ban the use of animals for, the purpose of dissection in laboratories.

The indiscriminate removal of these animals from their natural habitats has disrupted the biodiversity and ecological balance. The case of frogs, the population of which has declined to alarming levels in recent times, is often cited as an example.

Institutions have failed to follow the laws and guidelines about animals . and their welfare, therefore, the government was forced to enforce this ban. Also, I feel students should be taught to be compassionate towards animals and this can be an effective step in this direction. Laboratory exercises should make use of museum specimens, photographs, video clippings, models, charts and field operations. The only thing that an animal dissection lab teaches students is that an animal’s life is disposable and unimportant. Students can definitely learn about animals and how their bodies work without taking apart its insides. So, I may conclude by saying that I am in complete agreement with the governments. decision to ban the use of animals for dissection.

Question 2.
Some people feel that electronic media (TV news) will bring about the end of print media (newspapers). What are your views on the issue? Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against this view. (All India 2015)

  • use of visuals on TV
  • authentic and fast
  • not enough news for 24-hour telecast
  • may fabricate news
  • become repetitive and dull
  • even scandals become news
  • print media —time tested
  • analysed, verified news
  • editorial comments
  • cater to all interests

Some people believe that electronic media (TV news) will bring about the end of the print media (newspaper). I, XYZ, disagree with this view. The print media is tried and tested over centuries and still its popularity has not diminished. In fact, it has managed to hold its ground despite the fact that TV news channels telecast news 24 x 7. News in the print media are analysed and verified and are not repetitive like TV news. Moreover, newspapers cater to the varied interests of different people who eagerly await their morning newspaper.

The 24-hour news channels have revolutionised the world which now appears closer and smaller. Though news conveyed by TV news channels is quicker and faster, these, many times, tend to omit facts and details about an incident and sometimes even sensationalise news without a reason. Here the newspaper comes in handy as it gives not only vital details but also contains more reliable news.

Besides, the newspaper is easy to carry and can be read at any time. Further, the permanence of the printed word helps in refreshing one’s memory about certain facts and incidents reported in the past. Newspapers also contain many columns dedicated to advertisements like vacant situations, buying or selling of goods, information about missing persons, obituary news, etc. All this and much more information is contained only in the newspaper. Thus, I would like to conclude by saying that newspapers have been and will remain the mouthpiece of the nation and the unseen advisers of the common people.

Thank you!

Question  3.
Consumerism is increasing day by day. Luxuries of yesterday have become necessities of today. The result is that the more we want the more miserable we become. Write a debate in 150-200 words on ‘The only way to minimise human suffering and pain is to control our needs’. You are Navtej/Navita. (All India 2015)
Consumerism is increasing day by day. We all are materialistic to some extent.

I, XYZ, have come before you all to speak for the motion ‘The only way to minimise human suffering and pain is to control our needs’.

We use and enjoy the luxuries which have become necessities and an inseparable part of our lives. The result is we want more and more and feel miserable when we do not get all that we need.

We need to minimize this misery and pain and an effective step in this direction would be to control our needs. The greed to have more becomes an obstacle when we start allowing material things to control us. The struggle to accumulate materialistic things give rise to a rat-race and cut-throat competition. This, in turn, generates tremendous physical and mental stresses which further lead to various ailments. When we have limited needs we feel satisfied and content.

Excessive desire for things is any-way considered immoral, a violation of natural or divine law. When this greed to have more than we actually need starts growing strong, we become utterly fixated on seeking what we do not actually need and try to get hold of those things that will still not help to eliminate the deep-rooted evil of not having enough. When we learn to control our needs we not only minimize our suffering and pain but are able to be at peace with ourselves and be happy and appreciate the little things that have been bestowed on us.

Question 4.
Migration from villages to cities has led to the spread of urban slums. People living in these slums lead a miserable life. Economic disparity leads to the problems of law and order. Write a debate in 150-200 words on ‘Solution to the problem of misery in the urban slums lies in creating jobs in the villages’. You are Navtej/Navita. (All India 2015)
Today, I, ABC, have come before you all to speak in favour of the motion ‘Solution to the problem of misery in the urban slums lies in creating jobs in the villages.’

In recent years we have witnessed an unprecedented rise in urban slums as more and more people are migrating from villages to cities in search of jobs. People who come to inhabit these slums lead miserable lives and this problem needs our immediate attention. The only solution to the problems and misery in the urban slums lies in creating job opportunities in the villages so that our rural population does not feel the need to migrate from their villages to the cities in search of jobs and better opportunities.

Our government needs to generate more jobs in the villages so that the rural population does not face a financial crunch which forces them to look for employment in the cities where they land as migrants and are forced to live in the slums which lack even the basic facilities. This rapid urbanization in the past few decades has increased the population of slum inhabitants in India. The slums without proper access to basic services such as sanitation and healthcare fail to provide any quality of living to their inhabitants. Addressing this issue is one of the key steps in the regeneration of the country’s development and will have a highly positive impact in the future with massive collateral benefits for the nation as a whole.

Question  5.
‘The policy of reservation of seats for admission to the professional courses is good for the deprived sections of society’. Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. (Delhi 2016)
Policies involving the reservation of seats for the marginalised sections of society have been existing in our country since a very long period of time. But I personally feel that this policy pervades the provisions of the Constitution of India wherein the main aim of the founders was to create an egalitarian society.

Good Morning Everyone, I am here to speak against the policy of reservation of seats for admission to professional courses for the deprived sections of society. It is high time the government changes its approach towards the system of reservation. Most of the seats in reputed professional courses are occupied by the reserved candidates. Most worthy and qualified candidates do not get a chance to enter good educational institutions because of these reservations. Actually, most reserved candidates are hailing from good economic backgrounds and do not need the reservation quota. Moreover, reservation promotes the concept of castes which is quite absurd in learned society.

When government allots reservation it also encourages protests by other communities for being included in the reservation quotas. Every now and then one community starts and pitches their voices for reservation by burning trains and buses, looting public property and damaging government buildings. Theaat quota stir that started in February 2016 sought inclusion of their caste in the other backward class category which would make them eligible for affirmative action benefits.

I would like to conclude by saying that the policy of reservation should be safely based on the right qualifications and merit and not on the economic background or caste of a person.

Thank You!

Question  6.
‘Rising prices can be controlled only by the government.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. (Delhi 2016)
The problem of rising prices is one of the major problems our country is facing in the present times. This problem is two-fold, to check the rising prices and to bring the prices down. The government can play a vital role in this.

Good Morning Everyone, I have come before you all to speak in favour of the motion, “Rising prices can be controlled by the government”.

The government needs to take stringent action against hoarders and black marketers who manipulate market prices, under the relevant legal procedures, so as to ensure that products reach market on time to moderate prices. The government also needs to review import and export of all essential commodities on a regular basis and impose controls on exports and ease restrictions on imports.

Inflation can be controlled to a large extent if the government gives full freedom to farmers to sell their agricultural produce anywhere in India without any restriction and ensures free movement of the produce without taxation. The sudden and acute rise in prices causes an all-round spiral effect on the price of goods and services thus making the life of the common man miserable. To fend off its responsibility the government attributes price rise to external factors. Though our governments have often talked about checking inflation, it has never outlined a confirmatory strategy in this regard. If the government takes up concrete measures to control inflation the real welfare of the masses can be ensured.

Thank You!

Question 7.
‘The policy of no detention till class VIII is not in the interest of students.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either in favour of or against the motion. (Delhi 2016)
The policy of no detention till Class VIII has had a delirious impact on the learning outcome in schools. There is little check on the fact that whether or not a student has even acquired bare minimum knowledge before he or she is promoted to the next class.

Good Morning Everyone, I have come to speak in favour of the motion, ‘The policy of no detention till class VIII is not in the interest of students’. The situation often arises wherein students do not fail till Class VIII and then do not pass in class IX. The poor results of this policy are visible in Class IX. I feel this policy is resulting in a decline in the standard of education. Children are showing a lackadaisical attitude towards their studies. The basic drive to excel is missing in students as a result of such leniency. Parents are also less concerned as they are sure their wards will not be held back in the class even if they do not fare well.

Students do not work as hard as they should and take their studies for granted. Though this policy was implemented with the objective of reducing stress on children, one cannot ignore the fact that the quality of education has to be maintained and the aim of education has to be achieved. Children with weak foundation reach Class IX, and are unable to perform in higher classes as their basics are not clear. It is thus a serious concern that all attempts of educating children upto Class VIII is proving to be a waste in terms of time and money. Life, in general, is extremely competitive, so let us not forget a little bit of pressure is always beneficial in the long run so there is certainly an urgent need to rethink about continuing this policy.

Thank You!

Question 8.
‘Private cars should be banned in the congested commercial areas of the cities/ Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. (Delhi 2017)
Most of us who have walked along the congested commercial areas of our cities will certainly agree that private cars are indeed a nuisance that further add to the congestion of traffic and create unnecessary chaos.

Good morning everyone, I have come before you all to speak in favour of the motion ‘Private cars should be banned in the congested commercial areas of the cities.’ Private cars can never improve the quality of life in big cities, especially in congested commercial areas. They are noisy and dangerous to street users. People have to waste their valuable time and fuel in heavy traffic jams. Since we now have plenty of alternatives like highly improvised public transport which include private cabs, buses and the metro train services, it has become rather convenient to commute from one place to another within the city. More cars also mean higher levels of pollution in our already polluted cities. Reducing the number of cars on the city roads can help the government to save a huge amount of petrol. Moreover driving city roads is nothing but relentless misery for car owners and I am sure they too would prefer tension-free and easy options to travel. To conclude, I would like to say banning certain things can sometimes help us to lead stress-free lives which will certainly do us good in the long run.

Thank You!

Question 9.
‘Our large population is not a cause of poverty but an asset, a resource.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. (Delhi 2017)
The people are the greatest resource of a country. This saying is as old at it is true. It is how a country uses this resource to its advantage that determines how citizens become the true assets of the country.

Good morning everyone, I …., have come before you all to speak in favour of the motion, ‘Our large population is not a cause of poverty but an asset, a resource’. Population is not a problem but mismanagement definitely is. If we channelize our population in the right way, then it will surely be an asset. Though our rapid population growth is a matter of concern for our economy and priority needs to be given to measures to control population. It is now up to us how we can use our large population to our country’s advantage. India has the youngest population in the world with mean age of 24 years, in a pretty fast ageing globe. Our large population with its striking diversity that is not seen in the stark homogeneity of China’s population offers us and the world a variety of skills and professions.

To conclude, I would like to say that drastic measures should be undertaken by our government to improve the quality of our population to convert it into quality human resource.

Question 10.
‘It is cruel to put stray dogs to sleep.” Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. (All India)
Euthanasia is the least cruel thing if it is done to relieve physical pain and torture. Veterinary doctors too recommend this in case of severe medical issues in pets. But to put stray dogs to sleep is cruel and unethical.

Good morning everyone, I, …, have come before you all to speak in favour of the motion, ‘It is cruel to put stray dogs to sleep’. We must remember that the only humane, legal and right way of dealing with stray dogs is to get them vaccinated and sterilized so that their number does not rise incessantly. It will be better if the government builds more animal shelters where they can be neutered, vaccinated against rabies and then released in the respective areas from where they have been captured. Sick dogs can be retained in these animal shelters where they can be given the required medical care.

We must remember that under the Indian law, cruelty to animals is an offence and under certain sections of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act it is unlawful to resort to any illegal or harmful manner of dealing with stray dogs.

Thank you!

Question 11. “A career counsellor (not you, yourself) is the best person to guide you in the choice of a career.” Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. (All India 2017)
Choosing a definite career and deciding a career goal is very important especially once you have completed your Sr. Sec. Schooling. Unfortunately, not many students are able to discover their potential and interests and that is when the pressure starts building up.

Good morning everyone, I, …, have come before you all to speak in favour of the motion “A career counsellor is the best person to guide you in the choice of career.” An experienced and qualified career counsellor is actually the most ideal person who can assist you in discovering your potential and aptitude and accordingly suggest to you the right course you can follow. Since selecting a career option determines your course in life it is better to seek professional help. Sometimes despite having a clear idea as to what one wants to do in life, some students do not know the career paths they need to follow to have the requisite academic qualification tooin a particular course. In such cases a career counsellor can help to not only clear their doubts but also give them a clear view of what they can expect from various courses.

I would like to conclude by saying that the purpose of career counselling is to provide the essential guidance that helps a student to make the right choice about their career.

Thank you!

Question 12.
Write a debate either for or against the motion: ‘Participation in sports is a mere wastage of time’. (150-200 avoids). (Comptt. D)
Sports seem entirely without purpose. There are health benefits associated to the playing of sports but is that all that it is about? It can be argued that there are other equally efficient ways to attain fitness. So, why do we participate in sports?

Good Morning everyone! I …., have come before you all to speak on the topic: ‘Participation in sports is a mere wastage of time’. I will speak against the motion because sports are not meaningless and the fascination that so many of us have for sports and the heights it can achieve is very well-placed. Participating in sports provides us with the opportunity to exercise our talent, skills and abilities.

When we play sports, we pit our abilities and power against those of others. We enter into a superficial contest that encourages us to play to the best of our capability. There are very good underlying reasons why sports fascinate so many of us so much so and why sports attract numerous participants. Sports help everyone to improve and maintain physical ability and skills. Sports play a great positive role in everyone’s busy life, especially for students. Everyone should involve themselves in any sports activity even for a small-time during the day. Sports are necessary because they bring physical and mental fitness. Sports not only provide physical strength, they increase mental power too. Outdoor sports such as football, cricket, volleyball, hockey etc.

help in improving physical health. However, some indoor games like brain games, chess, sudoku etc. improves mental power and concentration. The rapid growth of interest in sports in recent decades is proof enough that it is certainly not a wastage of time but an activity that strengthens our body, mind, spirit and general well-being.

Thank you!

Question 13.
You are Ram/Rajani, participating in a debate. Write a debate either for or against the motion: ‘Hard work, and not only good luck helps us to achieve success in Hie’.(Comptt. D 2017)
Whenever we talk about successful people we refer to them as ‘lucky’. This term actually means an opportunity or a good fortune. But then how do these people get repeated success. I would say this luck is a confluence of hard work and perseverance.

Good Morning everyone! I, Ram have come before you all to debate on the topic, “Hard work, and not only good luck helps us to achieve success in life.” I will be speaking in favour of the motion. Opportunities present themselves to each person at various stages of their life. But only those people who recognize and seize them without delay, succeed. These are the people we refer to as ‘lucky’. No success is achieved without toil and hard work. Besides working hard, it is imperative to remain focused.

To realize your full potential you must focus on your goals in such a way that you are able to achieve a balance between what you want and how you are going to get it. But always remember hard work has no substitute. If you assess the history of successful people you will see that their hard work and laborious effort was instrumental to their success. I have always felt that the so-called concept of ‘good luck’ is somewhat mysterious and rather difficult to explain.

I would like to conclude by saying that the only thing that overcomes ‘hard luck’ is hard work and this helps us to achieve success in life. Thank you!

Question 14.
Write a debate either for or against the motion: Laziness and not bad luck is the only obstacle in one’s success in life.(Comptt. Delhi 2017)
When we curse our luck when things have not turned out the way we expected them to or when we give unnecessary explanations as to why we could not do something are actually subtle signs of laziness that have prevented us from completing our task.

Good Morning everyone! I…., have come before you all to speak in favour of the motion: ‘Laziness and not bad luck is the only obstacle to one’s success in life.’ The only silver lining in this cloud of laziness is that it is not a personality disorder, it isust a habit and can be broken. It is also not something we are bom with, it is a behaviour we have acquired along the way. Butust as we learn to be lazy we can also teach ourselves to be industrious and then we will never feel the need to curse our luck each time we fail.

Laziness is a major obstacle in one’s success so what we need to do is to project ourselves as being productive. We must make sure to include in our visualization the positive feeling that results from being productive. Changing the habit of laziness will require a lot of effort and mental toughness but when we understand that this habit, which is a major obstacle to our success in life, is self-imposed and we always have the choice to overcome it, we are sure to rise above it. We must always remember the only difference between being lazy and working hard is similar to the difference between expecting and creating miracles. Hard work is our protection and shield against bad luck.

Thank you!

Question 15.
Write a debate either for or against the motion: Hard work, not Intelligence paves the way to success in life. (Comptt. All 2017)
“Hard work beats intelligence when intelligence does not work hard”. This saying is replete with fact. The idea is not to undermine the importance of intelligence but to emphasize that there is no substitute for hard work. Good Morning everyone! I …., have come before you all in favour of the motion: ‘Hard work, not Intelligence paves the way to success in life’. Though it cannot be denied that an intelligent person possesses a natural ability to do something well, but intelligence alone does not ascertain success, unless it is accompanied by hard work. The ability of an intelligent person has to be combined with hard work. Hard work embellishes one’s personality, polishes one’s talents and unlocks a person’s potentials so as to pave the way to achieve success in life. Working hard is so important that it can, to a great extent, compensate for lack of intelligence but there is no alternative to hard work.

Strong determination, confidence and a desire . to reach your goals should always be cherished but this aspiration can only be fulfilled by working laboriously. Many a time intelligent people do not work hard enough, they become contented and feel complacent in their own sense of superiority. They overlook the fact that it is only hard work that enables us to utilise our knowledge and intelligence in the most conducive way. Hard work brings in perseverance and resoluteness that enables you to set targets and guides you like a teacher so that you do not derail from your track.

I would like to conclude by saying not all of us can be intelligent, but we all can achieve a lot by putting in that extra effort which will surely pave the way for success in life.

Thank you!

Question 16.
Write a debate either for or against the motion: ‘Courses in Humanities provide a better scope in career than Sciences’. (Comptt. All India 2017)
Which is a better course to opt for after the Xth standard? A decade or so earlier I would have answered this question saying Science stream was the best option but now I would say that if one has a better aptitude for Humanities, then he should go for it without thinking.
Good Morning everyone! I have come before you all to speak in favour of the motion: ‘Courses in Humanities provide a better scope in career than Sciences’.

In the present scenario, with the advent of globalization the scope for humanities has altered. Fast-growing markets, mushrooming media houses and a plethora of career options that could be both academic or vocational, has brought the humanities stream, which was once considered as a secondary discipline to the front. The rising professions of marketing, media, entertainment and administration have opened avenues for students of this discipline. The demand created by market economy has raised the prominence of subjects like economics, literature, fine arts, law, communication, english etc.

The undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in humanities are neither narrow in scope nor limited in opportunities. Rather they now offer a wide and expensive scope for research and higher studies in a range of subjects. The dogmas in our society regarding students opting for the humanities stream is now a thing of the past. To conclude, I would like to say that now professionals from this field are commanding great respect and receiving high salaries in the job market and competing with their science and technology counterparts on the entrepreneurship front.

Thank you!

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